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OAS 2023: Connection should not get overwrite while importing the DVA

While promoting/migrating any DVA file from one instance to another, the connection got write in the target instance.
Example: I am using a Oracle Application connect with classic home as source, while promoting any DVA file overwrite this connection and manually i need to correct this.
If we get any option to include/exclude the connection details, just like the option "Include Credentials" then it will be a good solution to this problem and a very useful feature added to the application.
I had the same issue when promoting a bunch of workbooks from Dev to Prod, needing to update the connection in Prod.
I think the same principle could apply to the Dataset used in the workbook, so that the import could only take into account the workbook without the dataset and connection.
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Promoting projects will always break the connection so has to be done out of hours when no users are active. It would also be useful to have an option to preserve connection permissions so not accidentally removed on promotion
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Another painpoint that we have just encountered … any workbook having a dataset based ona "System" connection count not be imported (error message).
So we will need to define two connections to the same datasource … one for the subject area in the semantic model (RPD) and another one for the datasets (to be able to import any workbook that is based on the same datasource) … a little bit clumsy !
If you also refer to the painpoints already described by Michal for some … years now … it's clear that to DEV2PROD process need a real solution.
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@Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken Jean-Pierre, as I learned recently (since we have encountered exactly same behavior with data sets, created out of Connection, having System flag) during a call with @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle , system connections are exclusively intended for usage in Semantic Modeler (Connection Pool objects) and should not be used for data sets. At least this is current status (which may possibly change in a future - more question to Bret….). Even if this is the case, in the DV UI it is possible to use this connection to create a dataset - which seems like unwanted behavior 😥
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Team, any plan for the feature to not touch the connection while promoting DVAs in the upcoming release for OAS ?