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% female
I've been trying to create a report where I'd like to see the number of males and females who have a specific status, by legal entity.
To do so, I've added the gender column 'Sexe' and I aggreagated it as a number to see the value for each gender.
I've also enabled the sum line/column.
And I added as a filter, the status I want "OTT = DRGT".
But I would like to add the % of the female in another column, and can"t figure out how to do it. The formula would be column 1 "Féminin Nbr total" / "Total Général". Since all these columns (gender aggregated and total) are not "proper" columns but more aggregation or the default sum column, any suggestion ?
For more info, here :
Sexe = Gender Féminin = Female Masculin = Male Nbr Total = #Count Sexe
Also, another question that could help me in other scenarios : if I wanted to add a 1st column with the number total of assignment for each legal entity, without taking into account the filter OTT, how can I add this column without any filter in the same report ? Is that possible ? Because if I do it now, I will only have the persons with the OTT DRGT filter… so the same numbers as the gender number basically.
Thank you very much.
Best Answer
You are welcome, I'm glad I could help! Please mark my previous response as an accepted answer, so it may help other community members in their search.
Kind regards
hello - I'm sure there are a few possibilities..
This is one wayNot sure what your 1st column is so below I've used Assignment type instead, but principal is the same.
Create separate metrics for each gender :
i) Female : sum(case when "Person Legislative Information"."Sex" = 'Female' then "Person"."Person Count" end by "Worker"."Assignment Status Type")
ii) Similar for Male.
iii) Then female % is Female / person count :
sum(case when "Person Legislative Information"."Sex" = 'Female' then "Person"."Person Count" end by "Worker"."Assignment Status Type") / sum("Person"."Person Count" by "Worker"."Assignment Status Type")
(The Sum…by…" was needed to get the Total % correct)Re: filters - filters apply to the whole Analysis, so sounds like you'll have to remove the filter to bring back everything then create separate metircs using case statements like above
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Thank you very much but it seems like you're doing all that in the classic console. How can I perform the same action on OAC at the report level ? Is that possible ?
I feel like we are limited here.
Thank you.
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Sorry I have't used OAC
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create a metric with your headcount column and create a visiualization or add gender and the metric to your table.
AGGREGATE(<your head count field> BY <your subject area>."Gender")/ AGGREGATE("<head count> BY)
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Sorry but it does not seem to be working. Please find below what I have done.
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Would the following work for you? Instead of your Status filter, I filtered on Worker Category = White collar.
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Hi Orange,
Thank you ever so much !! it is finally working ! I've changed the current headcount value with the assignment count and it works perfectly.
Thank you again.
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Last question, is there any way to move the %Femmes column to the right after Total général ?