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% female

Accepted answer


I've been trying to create a report where I'd like to see the number of males and females who have a specific status, by legal entity.

To do so, I've added the gender column 'Sexe' and I aggreagated it as a number to see the value for each gender.

I've also enabled the sum line/column.

And I added as a filter, the status I want "OTT = DRGT".

But I would like to add the % of the female in another column, and can"t figure out how to do it. The formula would be column 1 "Féminin Nbr total" / "Total Général". Since all these columns (gender aggregated and total) are not "proper" columns but more aggregation or the default sum column, any suggestion ?

For more info, here :

Sexe = Gender Féminin = Female Masculin = Male Nbr Total = #Count Sexe

Also, another question that could help me in other scenarios : if I wanted to add a 1st column with the number total of assignment for each legal entity, without taking into account the filter OTT, how can I add this column without any filter in the same report ? Is that possible ? Because if I do it now, I will only have the persons with the OTT DRGT filter… so the same numbers as the gender number basically.

Thank you very much.



Best Answer

  • Orange
    Orange Rank 5 - Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Lauriane Massin Whitaker,

    You are welcome, I'm glad I could help! Please mark my previous response as an accepted answer, so it may help other community members in their search.

    Kind regards


  • gclampitt
    gclampitt Rank 5 - Community Champion

    hello - I'm sure there are a few possibilities..
    This is one way

    Not sure what your 1st column is so below I've used Assignment type instead, but principal is the same.
    Create separate metrics for each gender :

    i) Female : sum(case when "Person Legislative Information"."Sex" = 'Female' then "Person"."Person Count" end by "Worker"."Assignment Status Type")
    ii) Similar for Male.
    iii) Then female % is Female / person count :
    sum(case when "Person Legislative Information"."Sex" = 'Female' then "Person"."Person Count" end by "Worker"."Assignment Status Type") / sum("Person"."Person Count" by "Worker"."Assignment Status Type")

    (The Sum…by…" was needed to get the Total % correct)

    Re: filters - filters apply to the whole Analysis, so sounds like you'll have to remove the filter to bring back everything then create separate metircs using case statements like above

  • Lauriane Massin Whitaker
    Lauriane Massin Whitaker Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thank you very much but it seems like you're doing all that in the classic console. How can I perform the same action on OAC at the report level ? Is that possible ?

    I feel like we are limited here.

    Thank you.



  • gclampitt
    gclampitt Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Sorry I have't used OAC

  • User_7H4H9
    User_7H4H9 Rank 0 - Community Observer

    create a metric with your headcount column and create a visiualization or add gender and the metric to your table.

    AGGREGATE(<your head count field> BY <your subject area>."Gender")/ AGGREGATE("<head count> BY)

  • Lauriane Massin Whitaker
    Lauriane Massin Whitaker Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Sorry but it does not seem to be working. Please find below what I have done.


  • Orange
    Orange Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi @Lauriane Massin Whitaker

    Would the following work for you? Instead of your Status filter, I filtered on Worker Category = White collar.

  • Lauriane Massin Whitaker
    Lauriane Massin Whitaker Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Orange,

    Thank you ever so much !! it is finally working ! I've changed the current headcount value with the assignment count and it works perfectly.

    Thank you again.



  • Lauriane Massin Whitaker
    Lauriane Massin Whitaker Rank 5 - Community Champion


    Last question, is there any way to move the %Femmes column to the right after Total général ?


