Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Easy request of OAuth2 tokens from within the OAC instance

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OAauth tokens are required in order to authenticate OAC REST APIs. Tokens have a lifespan and need to be created prior to successfully invoking a REST API request. When testing either REST APIs, or indeed embedding, it would be useful to not have to go elsewhere (IAM / Secure App) and for the developer to be able to request a token from their profile which could then be made available for copy and used to authenticate REST API requests.

7 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • Thanks for logging this Mark, I agree this would make it a lot easier to test the REST APIs and also when developing embedded sites which may also be using token authentication.

  • Joel
    Joel Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    I agree with this feature request which will help simplify the automation of a number of OAC administrator tasks including backup and disaster recovery as well as catalog artifact deployment. This is one step that adds complexity to the automation process.

  • Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle
    Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    Voted for the Idea.