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Allow setting default value for Data Access property for data set tables in System Setting Console

We are struggling quite a lot with following:
Vast majority of our data sets created ,are sourced from Oracle DB.
And we want (again in majority cases) data from tables to be queried directly (not from XSA Cache).
But default value for property "Data Access" on tables in data sets is set to "Automatic Caching" - thus data are retrieved from "replica" (XSA Cache), which can be:
- stale (you have to take care of refresh)
- we don't have XSA Cache under control as opposed to original tables optimized for querying (could be different for OAC, but we are OAS customers).
And it it very tedious to:
- to change (when creating data sets) Data Access property for all tables to "Live"
- to "educate" our data set authors, to change Data Access property to "Live" (if they want to see "fresh" data in visualization).
So it would be very helpful, if there would be a possibility to set/change (at system level) default value for Data Access in System Setting (in Console) - in our case we would set this default to "Live".
Hi Michal - I've set the status to Needs Votes to allow the community to vote on this idea. It seems to be valuable to set a default, we are also working on ways to make it easier to change the access mode in the editor as well. Do you ever have mixed mode or is it always all tables are Live and or all tables are cached?
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Hi Luis,
to change the system wide default for setting Data Access on data set tables would help us a lot. To your question:As far as I am aware (and since I am the person in charge of setting rules/guidance on our OAS environment for our DV authors from business departments, it should correspond to reality):
We don’t use mixed mode, for all tables in data sets coming from Oracle database , we use Live data access. Cache access should be avoided.
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Thanks @Michal Zima for the additional details.