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OBIEE 11g Group By

I have a Table with columns
Business_Date | Month | Year | Amount |
25-Sep-2016 | Sep | 2016 | 34325.45 |
26-Sep-2016 | Sep | 2016 | 42532.34 |
01-Oct-2016 | Oct | 2016 | 67243.36 |
02-Oct-2016 | Oct | 2016 | 99347.87 |
i want to display data in report as like
Month | Year | Max(Amount) |
Sep | 2016 | 42532.34 |
Oct | 2016 | 99347.87 |
i've tried MAX(AMOUNT BY MONTH) but it now works for me
can anyone help me with this.
Thanks in advance,
Uma Mahesh.
Your logical date dimension needs a hierarchy where month is keyed logically higher to date ... then BI server will aggregate the measure based on the aggregation rule supplied in the fact logical column and from/to the levels you've specified in the Content tab of the fact logical table source properties.
Once it's modeled right, the aggregation happens automatically to the grain of the query.
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hi Thomas,
Thanks for Quick reply
but i have some dimension columns too in that table like ACCOUNT_NO
what i want exactly is a Report With ACCOUNT_NO filed and MAX of AMOUNT AS Per Dates in a MONTH
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So you have mixed logical dimensional attributes? you should have a fact (amount) joined to both a date (year, month, date) and an account (account number, first name, last name, etc) dimension.
OBIEE requires at the very least a well-formed logical star model to perform to its advertised features and performance levels.
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Thanks for your support Thomas