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DashBoard Export Limit

Received Response
Uma Mahesh
Uma Mahesh Rank 4 - Community Specialist

Hi all,

I have a problem with my Dashboard Page exporting

i have an analysis placed in dashboard that contains more than 10,000 rows

but when i export that dashboard i'm able to export only first 500 rows.

what to if i want to export whole data at a time.

Thanks in Advance,

Uma Mahesh.


  • choracy69
    choracy69 Rank 6 - Analytics Lead


    You must change some data in instanceconfig.xml on your server.

    There are many tutorial about this, for example: or OBIEE Solutions: How to Increase row limit to Display/Export to Excel from Analysis

  • Uma Mahesh
    Uma Mahesh Rank 4 - Community Specialist


    Thanks for Quick Reply,

    I've alredy changed the settings in instanceconfig.xml,

    now i'm able to export all rows from analysis.

    now my problem is with dashboard, can you guide me to increase rows in export dashboard.

    Thanks ,

    Uma Mahesh.

  • Uma Mahesh
    Uma Mahesh Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hi all,

    I've tried to change Print Rows in Print & Export options in DashBoard Edit

    While exporting the following error coming

    "we found a problem with some content in 'DashBoardName.xslx'. do you want us to try to recover as much as we can?if you trust the source of this workbook,click yes"

    Can any one help me, how to overcome this error.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Uma Mahesh.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    @Mahesh Ankam

    Before I give you the answer which is very simple, documented etc I have one question:

    Why? What's the point of having 10'000 rows in am analysis?

    "It is a requirement" is not a valid answer by the way because that just implies that neither requester nor implementer have understood the first thing about how BI in general and OBI in specific functions.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Mahesh...marking my reply as helpful but not saying anything isn't really and actually helpful is it? :-D

  • Uma Mahesh
    Uma Mahesh Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Yes, Christian It is Really Helpful to me, I know Why we are using BI.

    But my Clients Wants to load total Records of data in Export, that's why i'm Posting This Discussion.

    Any how, thanks For Your Support.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Ok but then why do you go through the browser interface?

    1.) Every database can send stuff directly from the database to a file sysstem, a mail recipient, etc etc

    2.) You can access the OBI server throguh ODBC if you need the semantic model to kick in so that's already a lot less trafic than what you're doing but still more than a pure DB level

    3.) Going DB -> network -> OBIS -> OBIPS -> network -> browser -> desktop is the most inefficient thing you can possibly do

    4.) There's BIP who can read from just about anywhere and send to just about anywhere without the - again useless and non-value-adding - step of the front-end

    5.) Oracle even wrote a paper on this:

    6.) This question is asked at least once a week in this forum and we always say the same: When you have to move tens of thousands of rows to the front-end then there's probably something going extremely wrong

    And last but not least: 7.) I get that your client asks you this but if you look at the points above you'll see that this is really ridiculous in terms of optimizataion, utilization of resources etc.

  • Uma Mahesh
    Uma Mahesh Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Thanks to your suggestion Christian, I agree With You