Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server

Is there anyway to hide the YELLOW highlighted navigational links (especially on a dashboard)?

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3371002 ✭✭✭✭

Please see attachment.


  • There are few things you can hide by setting privileges in the administration page.

    Some others you will probably have to customize (modify) OBIEE files to hide them but then it would be for everybody all the time and it's maybe not what you really want (as some users will still need these links).

    So I would suggest you start using privileges to hide as much as possible, in this way the system will still be usable as users with the right permissions would keep the links.

    You can't say "in a dashboard hide and somewhere show them", they are visible or not all the time.

  • 3371002
    3371002 ✭✭✭✭

    Can you give me an example please of the privileges that can be set through the administration page?

  • Capture.PNG

    I would not use "deny" privilege.

    Ideally you must have 2 accounts: one maybe admin (so you can set privileges) and another one with little or no access (a kind of consumer only).

    So you remove the current privilege and add only admin instead, using your 2 accounts you can see the difference between the one allowed to access these things and the one who doesn't have the privilege anymore. As you see the labels are quite explicit, you must manage to get pretty close (if not totally) with your initial question and the "yellow" things you wanted to hide.

    PS: do not touch the admin things to avoid to cut yourself out by mistake... (and no need to tell you it's better to have a backup before to play with things like that, just in case)

  • Certainly the solution(s) given by Gianna Ceresa is the most sound & prudent route to take -- and I certainly do not mean to muddy the waters here...

    But I just wanted to put this out there (in case it would meed your needs):

    In our case we wanted to hide some of those things, but only hide them on a few dashboards. In our case we found the following solution worked well for us:

    Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Blog » Oracle BI 11g – Adding a dynamic logo and title to your dashboard page

    We just tweaked the given code to make it our company colors & contain the verbage more fitting to our needs. We are using 12c and it is still working well in all of our users browsers (some use IE, some use FF, most use Chrome).

  • 3371002
    3371002 ✭✭✭✭

    Does this leverage an OBIEE dashboard to display content? I am referring specifically to the picture in that blog. Where would the dashboard go? Or the links for that matter

  • The blog just heavily use javascript to change the structure of the page once it has been rendered (actually it miss a piece to call the function only when the DOM is ready or you can get errors).

    It is a normal dashboard, actually it can works on any page of OBIEE where you can add the piece of code.

    I would suggest to save the big piece of the JS as an external file into your custom style or in a folder you deploy on your server (like analyticsRes) and so you can simply add the few lines to load the JS and call the function (or just set a variables with the title and then load the JS and done). Then it's up to you to add this little JS to your dashboard page if you need it.