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sort order default not staying default when changing date prompt

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Sunny Potturi
Sunny Potturi Rank 2 - Community Beginner

Hey everyone,

I'm having a really strange issue that i've never seen before. Basically i've created a report which happens to be a union report, and set a sort order on a pivot table to be smallest to largest on one of the columns. When i run it on a dashboard for the same date that i used to test the sort while building the report, it works fine and i see the defaulted sort that i saved.

But when i change the date, the sort seems to disappear and not stay defaulted anymore. Has anyone seen this behavior? Any help is greatly appreciated.

When i look in the analysis XML, i see that the date that i had originally used to test it out is hardcoded in there somehow!!! The date 2016-09-23 is what i used initially to get the report to return data so that i could edit the pivot table and set the sort using the arrow!!! Any ideas on how i can remove this hardcoded date? This is whats causing it to only work for that selected date in the dashboard and no other date.

<saw:value>Prior Service Week Variance</saw:value></saw:members></saw:staticMemberGroup>



                              <sawx:columnRefExpr columnID="c705b4652085c8e59"/></saw:groupType>

                           <saw:members xsi:type="saw:dateMembers">


                  <saw:columnOrderRef columnID="c3fe0fbe373ec3efc" direction="ascending">


  • Sherry George
    Sherry George Rank 7 - Analytics Coach


    What is your OBIEE version?

    May be this is a silly question, but have you checked the filter's of each report in your union to make sure you haven't hard coded a value in the filter. Also in the pivot table clear all sorts and then  try adding the sort again from the result view tab to see if it fixes your sorting problem.

    I do see staticMemberGroup in your XML, have you used selection step to filter the date and forgot to remove ?

  • Sunny Potturi
    Sunny Potturi Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Sherry,

    We are on

    Yea i checked to make sure nothing was hard-coded, thats why i'm so surprised its getting hard-coded for the date that i used to test it! The date prompts are fetched from another saved report too so theres no chance of a hard-coded notion anywhere.

    I didnt use any selection steps but i see i cant even get to it, its greyed out for some reason, i will look into this to see if something weird is happening there. Thanks for the reply!

  • Sherry George
    Sherry George Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    ok, I would suggest to re-create the union report to see if the issue gets resolved. The selection step will be greyed out in the union report, so you will need to remove the union reports to view the selection steps.

    Edit: Found some support docs related to this.

    Oracle Support Document 1547809.1 (OBIEE 11g: Sort not working in Union Report With Pivot Table View) can be found at:

    Oracle Support Document 1466731.1 (OBIEE 11g: Multiple Column Sorting Not Working In Pivot Table) can be found at:

    Oracle Support Document 2040416.1 (OBIEE 11g - Calculated Item In Pivot View Will Not Sort As Expected) can be found at:

  • Sunny Potturi
    Sunny Potturi Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Sherry,

    Thanks for those links, i'm going to try to get a hold of our support identifier # so that i can see those documents and finally rebuild the whole union report to see if that does helps. Thanks a lot for your time!