Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server

Can you archive a dashboard in its entirety or do the analyses and prompts have to be archived indiv

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I have a dashboard that has multiple compoenents (Prompts and Analyses.) Is there a way to archive the dashboard so that the analysis and prompts are included? Or will I always need to archive them separately?

I noticed when I unarchived the dashboard, the analyses and prompts were missing. I have a work around, I can unarchive each component and rebuild the dashboard in the new environment. Is there a better way?


  • You don't have an option when archiving a dashboard to include "linked" objects, so it's something you have to manage yourself.

    You can make your life easier by adopting a clear and clean structure in the catalog, so each dashboard has its components not too far (like everything into a same parent folder and then separated by type etc.) so you can easily archive the "full package".

    But even in that case keep in mind that objects are linked into dashboard pages by full absolute paths, so if you unarchive somewhere else (different location) you will have to relink your objects or they will be missing.