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Lower level granularity selection jumps to second view on the Analysis.
I am using SampleApp V607 which has OBIEE
I have a dashboard page which has a couple of prompts and one Analysis.
Time prompt accepts four levels - Year (Default), Half Year, Quarter and Month.
Product prompt accepts four levels - Brand (Default), LOB, Type and Product.
Based on the selection, the Analysis displays Revenue measurement values. The Analysis has two views. The first one is a Stacked Bar graph which is followed by a Table.
When I select the top levels, on the page, the graph is shown first and then the table which is expected. But when I select more granular levels, the page jumps to the table view which is not expected.
I have noticed this while prototyping using as well. The issue is not noticed in 11g ( and
Is this a bug, or an intended behaviour?
Screenshots are attached for reference. The last one that displays the Table view directly is the one when Quarter level is selected.
Thank you.
Attaching an OBIEE screen shot.
Thank you.
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Since you're using SampleApp best post your XML because I really don't get what you mean
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Hi Christian,
The Analysis XML code is pasted below.
<saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlVersion="201201160" xmlns:sawx=""> <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simpleCriteria" subjectArea=""A - Sample Sales"" withinHierarchy="true"> <saw:columns> <saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c4def0f8c8c13e609"> <saw:columnFormula> <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case '@{pv_time_level}{Year}' when 'Year' then "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" when 'Half Year' then "Time"."T04 Per Name Half" when 'Quarter' then "Time"."T03 Per Name Qtr" when 'Month' then "Time"."T02 Per Name Month" else "Time"."T05 Per Name Year" end</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula> <saw:tableHeading/> <saw:columnHeading> <saw:caption fmt="text"> <saw:text>@{pv_time_level}</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:columnHeading></saw:column> <saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="cf1fb0de9db029504"> <saw:columnFormula> <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case '@{pv_product_level}{Brand}' when 'Brand' then "Products"."P4 Brand" when 'LOB' then "Products"."P3 LOB" when 'Type' then "Products"."P2 Product Type" when 'Product' then "Products"."P1 Product" else "Products"."P4 Brand" end</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula> <saw:tableHeading/> <saw:columnHeading> <saw:caption fmt="text"> <saw:text>@{pv_product_level}</saw:text></saw:caption></saw:columnHeading></saw:column> <saw:column xsi:type="saw:regularColumn" columnID="c422e2c7b0dcc3a58"> <saw:columnFormula> <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">"Base Facts"."1- Revenue"</sawx:expr></saw:columnFormula></saw:column></saw:columns> <saw:columnOrder/></saw:criteria> <saw:views currentView="0"> <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1"> <saw:cvTable> <saw:cvRow> <saw:cvCell viewName="dvtchart!1"> <saw:displayFormat> <saw:formatSpec borderPosition="none" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:cvCell></saw:cvRow> <saw:cvRow> <saw:cvCell viewName="tableView!1"> <saw:displayFormat> <saw:formatSpec borderPosition="none" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"/></saw:displayFormat></saw:cvCell></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view> <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="titleView!1"/> <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" name="tableView!1" scrollingEnabled="false" repeat="false"> <saw:edges> <saw:edge axis="page" showColumnHeader="true"/> <saw:edge axis="section"/> <saw:edge axis="row" showColumnHeader="true"> <saw:columnOrder> <saw:columnOrderRef columnID="c4def0f8c8c13e609" direction="ascending"/></saw:columnOrder> <saw:edgeLayers> <saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c4def0f8c8c13e609"/> <saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="cf1fb0de9db029504"/> <saw:edgeLayer type="column" columnID="c422e2c7b0dcc3a58"/></saw:edgeLayers></saw:edge> <saw:edge axis="column" showColumnHeader="rollover"/></saw:edges></saw:view> <saw:view xsi:type="saw:dvtchart" name="dvtchart!1"> <saw:display type="bar" subtype="stacked" renderFormat="default" mode="online" xAxisLiveScrolling="true" yAxisLiveScrolling="true" animateOnDisplay="false"> <saw:style barStyle="rectangle" lineStyle="default" scatterStyle="default" fillStyle="default" bubblePercentSize="100" effect="2d"/></saw:display> <saw:canvasFormat height="330" width="1040"> <saw:dataLabels display="default" label="default" position="below" transparentBackground="true" valueAs="default"/></saw:canvasFormat> <saw:selections> <saw:categories> <saw:category> <saw:columnRef columnID="cf1fb0de9db029504"/></saw:category></saw:categories> <saw:measures showMeasureLabelsOnCategory="false"> <saw:column measureType="y"> <saw:columnRef columnID="c422e2c7b0dcc3a58"/></saw:column></saw:measures> <saw:seriesGenerators> <saw:seriesGenerator> <saw:columnRef columnID="c4def0f8c8c13e609"/></saw:seriesGenerator> <saw:measureLabels/></saw:seriesGenerators></saw:selections> <saw:legendFormat position="default" transparentFill="true"/> <saw:axesFormats> <saw:axisFormat axis="X"> <saw:labels/> <saw:textFormat/></saw:axisFormat> <saw:axisFormat axis="Y1" displayScaleLabels="true"> <saw:labels rotate="0" rotateLabels="false" skipLabels="true" abbreviation="none"/> <saw:textFormat/></saw:axisFormat></saw:axesFormats></saw:view></saw:views></saw:report>
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New images inserted for more clarity.
Below, Year and Brand levels are used to display the revenue values.
The Graph is displayed first and then the table.
Now, I select Half Year level (Time gran).
As expected, the page shows Graph first and then the Table.
Now, I select Quarter level.
Now, on the page/screen only Table view is visible and the Graph view is not seen by default. I need to manually scroll up to view the Graph. This is not noticed in OBIEE 11g.
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You just had to update this thread while I put it into my SA to get your point :-P
Anyways three things:
1.) Works as designed!
2.) You caused this :-P You set the table view to content paging:
3.) And this spawns that behaviour since - if you look closely to what happens - the following control actually receives focus:
This literally and visually draws your eyes (and the GUI) to the fact of "Hey looks, there is more data!"
tl;dr: works as designed ;-)
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Thanks Christian for your reply. I agree that in 12c, by changing the Table view's relevant property displays Graph at the top and then the Table irrespective of the granularity.
However, post migrate, do we need to change manually all the Analyses so that the Table views are based on 'Fixed headers with scrolling content' instead of 'Content paging'? I tried to get a reference to it (Content paging) in the 12c migration guide ( however, did not find anything.
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You don't "need" to change anything. Scrolling vs content paging is a question of "what do you want to use".
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There seems to be certainly a change to the behaviour (with respect to the scenario narrated above) in 12c so in case anyone knows a setting that will retain the 11g UI please share.
Meantime, I treat this as an assumed (bug) answered.
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There isn't unless you want to hack the whole GUI and Oracle will probably not do anything about it as it's designed and hence desired behaviour.
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I have completely failed to understand why a page functions correctly, as desired and developed based on requirements, in OBI EE 11g but not in OBI EE 12c.
From an end user's perspective, it's completely annoying to scroll up to view the graphical presentation of data when pagination is used in 12c. After submitting the prompt values, the end user expects to view the graph first and then the table. Scrolling up to view the graph hampers thinking process, it's annoying.
It is annoying to change all the Analyses that have been affected as the scrolling alternative does display the graph first as required by the end users. So I wanted to know whether or not there's a single configurable parameter to resolve the issue faced in the application after the migration. (The issue exists when the page as described above is built from scratch.) But if it's not there we won't hack the UI.
I understand that pagination and scrolling are different and they work as designed but on a page (based on the above requirements) one works and the other does not in 12c. Annoying to know, isn't it?
Out of curiosity, why do you think Oracle probably will not look into this?