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when checking opmnctl status getting error as opmn is missing or not executable

Received Response
User_DBCL0 Rank 4 - Community Specialist

Hello All,

got the obiee server linux access recently.

When I am checking the ./opmnctl status on server getting error as below

opmn is missing or not executable

opmnctl: invalid ORACLE_HOME (/sbc/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin/opmn is missing or not executable).

Please suggest us how to resolve this issue.



  • Venkata Yaswanth Ramisetty
    Venkata Yaswanth Ramisetty Rank 5 - Community Champion


    Below is the path for the opmnctl service. Try this..

    cd /oracle/middleware/instances/instance1/bin

    ./opmnctl status

  • User_DBCL0
    User_DBCL0 Rank 4 - Community Specialist


    I am checking the status from the

    this path only.


    when iam running ./opmctl status from this path giving erro

    -bash-3.2$ cd /oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin

    -bash-3.2$ ./opmnctl status

    opmnctl: invalid ORACLE_HOME (oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin/opmn is missing or not executable).


  • saketsrv
    saketsrv Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Please share the exact screenshot of the error. Also check the opmn log for detailed error.

    Log path :


  • User_DBCL0
    User_DBCL0 Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    this is the exact error we are getting

    -bash-3.2$ cd /oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin

    -bash-3.2$ ./opmnctl status

    opmnctl: invalid ORACLE_HOME (oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin/opmn is missing or not executable).


    and opmn log is not updated it is updated in last restart of in may.

    Did not see any error also.

    In log query 1 I could see below.


    17/07/12 14:48:50 Launching:
























  • saketsrv
    saketsrv Rank 5 - Community Champion

    ok..check if opmnctl file inside oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin has executable permission.

  • User_DBCL0
    User_DBCL0 Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    You mean you want me to run ./opmnctl status from oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin this path and check.

    -bash-3.2$ cd oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin/

    -bash-3.2$ ls -l

    total 3052

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall   24341 Feb  8  2013 argus

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall 2807606 Feb  8  2013 opmn

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall     226 Feb  8  2013 opmnassociate.cmd

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall     227 Feb  8  2013

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall   45976 Jun 19  2014 opmnctl

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall   45903 Feb  8  2013 opmnctl.tmplt

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall  128601 Feb  8  2013 opmndep

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall    1274 Feb  8  2013 upgradenonj2eeapp.bat

    -rwxrwx---+ 1 oracle oinstall    1258 Feb  8  2013

    -bash-3.2$ ./opmnctl staus

    opmnctl: invalid ORACLE_HOME (/oracle/MiddlewareHome/Oracle_BI1/opmn/bin/opmn is missing or not executable).

  • Hendrik Schmidt
    Hendrik Schmidt Rank 4 - Community Specialist


    It is a new Installation and opmnctl never working .

    stupid Point, could it really a Problem of privs or rights? is it an executable and can be executed by the connected user?

    perhaps helpful:


    Start up OPMN Piece by Piece


  • User_DBCL0
    User_DBCL0 Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    It is an existing application and server was restarted in march. After that no restart and application is running fine.

    I was just checking the opmnctl status and got the error unable to find anything so posted in group

  • saketsrv
    saketsrv Rank 5 - Community Champion

    i believe'stupid point' remark was not projected at you but i would say most of the times,the most basic things(some call it stupid) have done wonders if addressed in the beginning.

  • Avinash Pentyala
    Avinash Pentyala Rank 5 - Community Champion


    Check the opmnctl file is available or not?? also, check the permission of that file. you have access to run the file??

