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Reg: Changing Admin password

Hi All,
We need to change the Administrator password, some of the users are aware of the password. Can anyone share the steps for changing the password.
Whether we need to take any backup if we change the admin password, will it impact any other things in the application please let me know and suggest on this.
Thanks in Advance,
What's your OBIEE Version 12c or 11g? also is it an stand alone OBIEE environment or BIAPPS configured OBIEE environment?
Mostly steps are same below is the document and steps for both the versions of standalone OBIEE environment
OBIEE 12C - How to Change 'Weblogic' User Password in OBIEE 12c Environment (Doc ID 2147135.1)
For 11g steps I don't see a concrete document but below are the steps for same
1. Log in into EM(Enterprise Manager) using URL http://machinename:port/em
o Navigate to the left hand side under Farm_bifoundation_domain
o Go to 'Business Intelligence' and Expand the same
o Then click on "coreapplication"--> coreapplication page;
o Go to "Availability" tab and click on "Stop All".
o On the "Confirmation" window stating as "Are you sure you want to stop all BI components?", click "Yes" and wait for BIEE Components to stop.
NOTE: The above list of steps in point(1) can also be performed through command line following below command:
o Navigate to following location from command console <MIDDLE WARE HOME>\instances\<instance_name>\bin
o Once in above location execute below command depending on your operating system:
- For Windows, execute the command: opmnctl stopall
- For Linux, execute the command: ./ stopall
2. Once the BI components are stopped from EM/Command Console, login into Weblogic Admin Console using the URL http://machinename:port/console and follow the below steps:
o On the left hand side of the Home page, go to "Domain Structure"-->Environment-->Servers
o On "Summary of Servers" page, go to "Control" tab and select "bi_server1" in the list
o From the available options on top of list of servers, click on "Shutdown"-->and then click on "Force Shutdown Now"
o Wait for the Managed Server(bi_server1) to shutdown gracefully before proceeding ahead with further steps.
NOTE: The above list of steps in point(2) can also be performed through command line following the below command:
o Navigate to following location from command console-
<MIDDLE WARE HOME>\user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\bin
o From the above mentioned location, execute the below command depending on your operating system:
- for Windows execute command: stopManagedWebLogic.cmd bi_server1
- for Linux execute command: ./ bi_server1
3. Now from the WLS Admin Console, change the weblogic user password following the below steps:
o Navigate to the left hand side under "Domain Structure"-->Security Realms-->myrealm-->Users and Groups-->
o Under "Users" tab, search for "weblogic" user and click on same.
o Upon clicking the "weblogic" username, the "Settings for weblogic" page will open
o Navigate to "Password" tab
o Enter a new password in "New Password:" and "Confirm New Password:" tabs and click on "Save".
4. Now from the WLS Admin Console, stop the Admin Server following the below steps:
o In Admin Console, on left hand side under "Domain Structure"-->Environment-->Servers.
o On "Summary of Servers" page, go to "Control" tab and select "Admin Server" in the list
o From the available options on top of list of servers click on "Shutdown"-->and then click on "Force Shutdown Now".
5. Navigate to the below location in OBIEE Middleware Home and carry out below actions:
o In location \user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\servers\AdminServer\security, backup all the files present and then delete the files (as it carries old password details for weblogic user).
o Now recreate file with below information in file at following location <MIDDLE WARE HOME>\user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\servers\AdminServer\security
username=<ADMIN USER NAME>
6. Navigate to the below location in OBIEE Middleware Home and carry out below actions
o In location \user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\servers\bi_server1, backup "data" directory by renaming the directory, so that a new data directory is created in next startup of Managed Server(bi_server1).
o In the same location as above, go to "security" directory and backup all the files if any, present there and then delete the files.
o Now recreate file with below information in file at following location <MIDDLE WARE HOME>\user_projects\domains\<domain_name>\servers\bi_server1\security
username=<ADMIN USER NAME>
7. Now start OBIEE 11g Stack using the below steps:
- Once all the servers and services are up and running, verify the access of application with newly configured password.