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Problem with Prompt in Dashboard

Version: Oracle Business Intelligence
I have problem with my dashboard about Machine Emergency.
I have on prompt Time columns, Organization, Device, Parent Device, Category, Parent Category, Failure, Service Type.
And on dashboard I have two analysis: table in first analysis and graph in second analysis. Both analysis have same filters (set only is prompted).
And now when users are working on this dashboard it's working ok, for example user choose: Year: 2017, Month: 2017 / 12 and Date: 2017-12-14 and Service Type and Category.
The Results it's ok.
Next step: user delete date and month from dashboard, and to Year: 2017;2016 and other prompt for example Parent Category or Organization and he put apply.
And he has situation that table on first analysis is working fine but second analysis has wrong results (to small values). When I go to 'Analyze' on this anlaysis i see that te date is set on 2017-12-14...
On prompt he delete date and month, first analsysis is ok, but second has this date for all time...
How can be possible? The filters are caching?
have you tried the clear all from the drop down to see if this resolves the issue (I am not sure what exactly you mean by 'delete date and month', if it is a prompt you would have to pick new values OR use the clear all / revert to defaults or use select all (if on your list of values)?
If this does not help can you kindly provide screenshots as I am struggling with your exact scenario...
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Thanks for response.
delete date and month - that user clear prompt fot this column.
Ok I add some screenshot to show scenario.
1. Default prompt for my dashboard (I delete columns name from screen, but first column is: Year/Quarter/Month/Week/Day/Hours
2. User want to see date for yesterday for some category and service type
For example ma prompt for day looks like:
Data for this filters looks like:
first analysis:
second analysis (graph on pivot table)
The both MTTR columns are the same and it's ok.
3. Next, user clear month and date, add year: 2017;2016 and add some others filters.
User mark DAY andclick Backspace (delete)
User mark month and delete (same as day)
Choose others filter
And click Apply.
Results for first analysis:
Results for second analysis:
The results not the same.
Second analysis looks ok but first analysis has too small values and I go to analyze and see:
But on prompt I don't have choose filter like that.
The strange things is that both analysis has the same filter in analysis looks like:
This problem is difficult becasue when use try to use Reset --> Clear All or Reset to default values -- filters are still working. Ans user must refresh dashboard (F5) and working from start.
Any suggestions?
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And there are no other "relationships" that could effect this like master / detail or members in the dashboard prompt area of another table or graph on the same page? (Or hidden prompts on the same page)
- I ask this because 'Is Prompted' is easy to use, but frequently 'catches' prompts that you do not want it to, a lot of the time I have resorted to presentation variables to work around this
Also, is the behaviour the same irrespective of which browser you are using and is your browser on Oracle supported grid for your OBIEE version?
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About relationships I don't user anything.
My dashboard page:
On dashboard page I have:
Section 1 - main prompt and analysis with load date (I get date form SNP_LPI_RUN and this analysis don't have any prompts)
Section 2 - title, other prompt with two values ( Main Time and Second Time because in analysis in one column I have CASE WHEN MAIN TIME then Qty#1 ESLE Qty#2 END), first analysis
Section 3 - second analysis
In prompt I have one additional columns called ACTIVE where I have two values: Y/N and I hide it because I want that others prompt will constrain on this column on this specific Fact Table.
I Do this because my subject area has many facts I prepare specific Fact Table for constrain data on prompt (every column on prompts are from dimensions table).
My hidden prompt:
And others prompts have this column and others in 'Limit values by:'
But in analysis I don't have filter 'is prompted' for this column. It serves only to filter prompts.
And it's all for relationships.
I try on Mozilla Firefox old version 38.0 and for Google Chrome the newest version and the effect is the same.
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Okay, then create a mini dashboard and try your functionality just with the two answers and the single prompt, see if you get the same behaviour.
Also, nothing else in your compound views, just the single presentation and a title?
(This is my when it gets weird simplify principal, when it stops being weird the last thing you took away is the cause)
if this does not work try a quick test of a simple rewrite from scratch (quick and dirty) to see if you get the same behaviour on the regenerated base data.
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I created new dashboard page with only Main Prompt and this two analysis - basic view. --> results is the same -- different values, first analysis save prompt for date.
My first analysis looks like: Columns Selector - Table 1 - Table 2 --> on the view, but I have hidden object like: filters (to see what is going on), some graphs (not use). Maybe I try delete filters object on analysis and test because on the second analysis I don't have this objects.
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Yes, simplify until it works, then you know the straw that broke the camels back...
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I delete all hidden objects but I have still problem. I have only two tables and column selector.
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And the column selector applies to both, or just the one with the problem?
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Did you also try my suggestion of just rebuilding the base query as table presentation and applying your filter group and see if you get the same behaviour when it is 'from scratch'?