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Table in one row using SECTION

I created table with on dimension column and thre fact columns.
I add another column on section.
My table replied vertically - see screen below.
It's working ok, but can I set these tables horizontally?
Click on the XYZ control (from memory) there is a setting there that lets you 'snake' if this is what you are looking for...
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I don't see any option for this.
I'm searching for table and pivot for table proeprties and sections properties and nothing.
I know that I can create slider or use prompt, but how to set horizontally these tables..
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Don't have access to OBIEE as out of office currently, but is there not a horizontal / vertical alignment control in your sections?
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Are you looking for this? :
That's not out-of-the box functionality, I didn't test that myself so not sure if it (still) works.
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Probably the most simple solution is to use a pivot table by the way. If you're short on time, go for that!
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I try use this script but nothing change. I try in mozilla and google chrome.
Use pivot table?
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Your requirement isn't clear. Maybe use some kind of screenshot to show what you want to achieve
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Hi, my mistake - the control I had been thinking of is in pivot tables not in table. +1 to Martin!
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To recap the point: you want horizontal repetition of the table for each value of your "section" column.
OBIEE doesn't (and never had) have this option.
There are scripts around which does it (by using CSS / Javascript) as OBIEE is a web page and so that's the easiest way to visually achieve the result.
Of course that's a trick which work only on the web page (so not in Excel export, PDF printing etc.)
Because it's a CSS / Javascript solution it highly depends on the version you use: different version of OBIEE = different HTML structure and CSS identifiers.
If the code you found online doesn't work you have 2 options: keep searching for a different one and try and cross your fingers or actually read the blog post again, understand the approach and use your own knowledge of CSS / Javascript to adapt it to your own OBIEE version.
In all the cases the browser developer extension is your best friend, to verify the HTML structure and CSS identifier and applied styles.
That's it !
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Hi Gianni,
I was certain I had used 'snaking' functionality with out of the box OBIEE previously on a project, without resorting to custom 'hacks' (java / css)
By snaking I mean a control that let you specify wrap of sections, such that wrap horizontally after 1 report would be the magic bullet.
Am I completely wrong in this memory?