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OBIEE 12c - Port 80 Configuration in UNIX

Received Response
Avinash Pentyala
Avinash Pentyala Rank 5 - Community Champion


I have configured port 80 in OBIEE Unix using when I log into analytics root.atr, logs are pointing root user.

I started services following order.

1. NodeManager - sudo ./

2. WebLogic - started with Normal user

3. BI_SERVER1 - Start  in Console

4. OPMN - started from EM

When I tested sawserver is pointing to root user, please let me know how to resolve this?




  • Mmmhhh ... you did what and what's the issue?

    I'm not sure how configuring port 80, root.atr (the mandatory binary file at the root of web catalog) and starting services (btw OPMN doesn't exist anymore in 12c) all fit into the same sentence ...

    For starting your environment you have a simple "" script which does everything in the right way, just use it like you use "" to stop it.

  • Avinash Pentyala
    Avinash Pentyala Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thanks, I follow the below URL to configure port 80.


    1. root.atr file is pointing root user, not a Normal user.  when I re-run the Migration utility or BAR giving the error because root.atr file running with root user. every time we are asking UNIX team to change the permissions.


    2. when I start using, bi_server1 giving permission error, i.e) permission denied for port 80



  • Running it as root messed up your permissions here and there.

    Any reason to not just add a simple proxy in front doing the job for you?

    Even Oracle with cloud by default deploy a proxy (in their case it can also act as loadbalancer if needed), they use Nginx, a super lightweight, simple and powerful webserver which listen on port 80 and forward to the OBIEE port.

  • Avinash Pentyala
    Avinash Pentyala Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thanks for your advice, will check with the team on this. meanwhile could you please provide references urls to configure Nginx with  OBIEE??



  • I don't have any special reference related to OBIEE.

    It's just a standard proxy setup (so nothing to change on the OBIEE side), you generally take a standard simple config (allowing Nginx to start) and set the paths you want to forward and where (like /analytics => http://your OBIEE:9502/analytics etc.). You can also use Apache which has a proxy module or any other webserver acting as a proxy (listing on port 80 and forwarding to weblogic on another port).

    Google probably will return lot of result on how to configure that.

    The things is more to identify the paths you need to forward like /analytics , /va , /xmlpserver (I guess it's still used somewhere, but don't use Publisher enough to be sure).