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Is it possible to use javascript to further process data?

Received Response
Teresa Modesta
Teresa Modesta Rank 5 - Community Champion

I have some values returned from the fact table.

I want to then apply some complex logic on them, that you could not achieve with functions / nested functions etc.

I want to use javascript to achieve this.

Is it possible?


  • Robert Angel
    Robert Angel Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    Possible ->

    Have a look at the code; -

    var dim = new Array(5)

    for (i=0; i <5; i++)

        dim[i] = new Array(2);

        var max_i;

        dim[@1][0] = "@2";

        dim[@1][1] = @3;

        max_i = @1;

    Crib this and alter it to your needs and you are there...

    BUT - better would be to get your data warehouse team to populate your fact table(s) with the additional processing, javascript is uncompiled and so errors may only manifest at runtime and depending on what you are doing with it may be slow.

  • Hi,

    Sure ... as long as you then keep the data in javascript and do some javascript rendering (either JET or D3js or any other JS graphing library or just simple HTML rendering).

    Once you got the data out from OBIEE into your javascript code you can't send it back into OBIEE for "normal" usage.

    If you want your data back into OBIEE you need to look for ETL, even if it involve some program (python, java, javascript etc.) for the transformation. But in general in that case the database can do everything (assuming it's Oracle: with PL/SQL you really do everything).

  • Teresa Modesta
    Teresa Modesta Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thank you both for your very useful answers - extremely kind - I will try to push the requirement to the DW team, I agree it makes most sense there, even though as you both say it can be done - I completely agree it should not be done in my case.