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NULL values in graph (running sum)

I have problem in OBIEE with area graph.
I have on graph: YEAR, TYPE of ENERGY and POWER, I created graph on pivot table: in rows i have years // columns is type of energy // measures: power
I have NULL values for some year and type energy - NULLvalues it's mean that table don't have record.
I can't use IFNULL() because table don't have record for example for 2006 for water (BLUE COLOR).
What I want to see: If 2006 Year don't have record for WATER I want see value from 2005 - display running sum it's warking fine but no with NULL.
My aim is: don't see blank record in table and blank place in graph.
What can I do?
Can I do something only in OBIEE or Admin Tool (rpd)?
Or must I write VIEW base on this table?
Thanks for any help.
PS. At now I can't customize source table with this data.
Have you tried replacing NULLs with Zero - use a CASE statement to achieve this? This would make your running sum work although it should be noted that zero and NULL aren't the same.
0 -
Thanks for response.
I did this task by creating complex SQL query (view) and implementing Direct Database Request.