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Dashboard Graphs issue in some browsers

Received Response
Rai Qaiser Hussain
Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion


I have developed some dashboards in OBIEE 12c by using Google Chrome and added some 3D graphs, my client is using Internet Explorer, it has been observed some graphs are not showing and some are showing but not properly (I have checked same issue on my computer also) however graphs are working fine on Google chrome.

I have searched on google but could not found any proper answer.

anyone please share his/her experience or knowledge



  • Charles M
    Charles M Rank 6 - Analytics Lead


    What is your exact version of OBIEE? Also, please specify what issues you are seeing (screenshot(s)). I'm not sure what "showing but not properly" means ...



  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion


    below graph is taken from google chrome (data is manupulated due to organization policy), graph is visible but when I open this graph in IE then data properly display but graph missing.

    Note:- This analysis was developed by using google chrome


  • Charles M
    Charles M Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Thanks. Do you have a My Oracle Support account? You could take a look at this note: OBIEE 12c - Graph/Chart Display Issues Or Is Not Showing Correctly In Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) browser (Doc ID 2185996.1)

    But, it is not identical to your issue. Also, it is specific to IE 11. Which IE version are they using?

    Still, may need some more information though. Does this happen for all users, some users, etc. Any differences between the graphs that work and those that don't? Has anyone tried with Firefox?

  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion


    1. tried on 10 terminals with 2 different users
    2. No difference of graphs at all --- 100% same graph is working fine on chrome and edge but not on IE --- uploaded version fig below
    3. Not tried on firefox --- only checked with chrome, edge and IE --- problem is with IE only.





  • Charles M
    Charles M Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Thanks. Were you able to look at that note?

  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

    No, I have no access, Can you please share document here

  • Robert Angel
    Robert Angel Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    No, he cannot do that, that is a serious breach of Oracle's terms and conditions, you need a customer support id to access that document.

  • Charles M
    Charles M Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Rai,

    I am not able to do that here, since that is from the Oracle knowledge base ... and we are in a public forum. Can you see if there is anything in the presentation services (saw) logs?

    - - Just saw Robert Angel's update as I was typing this ...


  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi @Charles M and @Robert Angel

    Ok you don't breach oracle terms and policy, is it possible to share one example etc. If not possible then no problem I am thankful whatever the help you provided.

  • Charles M
    Charles M Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Rai,

    Can you try one thing. Check you instanceconfig.xml and see what the value is for <DefaultWebImageType>

    in the Charts section of the file.

