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Dynamic Connection Pool in RPD
Hi All
As you can see in below figure, I have to hardcode the data source name and credentials, I have three servers as following
- Dev Server :- This server is for development
- QA Server :- This server is for testing
- Production:- Final destination of object, for end users
As i have to deploy RPD on all the servers and change datasource and credentials on every deployment. Is there is any method to pass this information to RPD dynamically such as information is saved in some file
I'm not sure what version of OBIEE you're using but have you looked at:
you can use the list connection pool & list rpd variables to generate .json files with rpd variables and connection pools and these can be passed to an rpd by using the update connection pool & update rpd variables commands.
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The answer of my question is under heading
Using the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar Utility to Change Connection Pool Passwords
Thanks, I am marking your answer as "Correct Answer" becuase my requirement fulfilled.