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OBIEE 12c: Upload repository results in inconsistency

Received Response
Carsten Weber
Carsten Weber Rank 5 - Community Champion

Hi guys,

first of all I want to state my versions I am using for the upcoming scenario / question:

OBIEE: Version

OBI Administration Tool: Version

Oracle Essbase: Version

Server OS: Linux RedHat Enterprise Edition 6.

Today I was trying to upload a repository-file (.rpd) which I just created this morning using Oracle BI Administration Tool.

The reason for this purpose was actually because during the day I tried to disable the database feature "QUALIFIED_DATA_REFERENCE_SUPPORTED".(Oracle Essbase connection) within Oracle BI Administration tool. Unfortunately this did not do the trick for us since it did not display any value - which are aggregated within Oracle Essbase - within any of our analysis in BI Anwsers. Therefore I set it back to the default value and restarted all services. Even by putting back this value our analysis within BI answers did not show any messure.

Therefore I uploaded the .rpd-file to our service instance by following this guidance within Linux shell:

cd /opt/oracle/base/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin/

./ uploadrpd -I Backup.rpd -W RPDpassword -SI ssi -U weblogic -P BIpassword

The console also gave me a reliable output:

Service Instance: ssi

Operation successful.

RPD upload completed successfully.

After restarting all BI-services again I had a check on my analysis and dashboards within Oracle BI and I sadly saw that most of them did not show any values.

In the next step I had a check to the repository to within Oracle BI administration tool and I was shocked because of the following outcomes:

1. Repository variables within initalization block where not there anymore (only 5 of arround 35)

2. Database connection to our relation data warehouse (Oracle 12c) did not work since the TNS-entry was outdated (I changed it like 3 months ago during the setup of Oracle Data Guard)

3. Somehow there are several subject areas (on all three layers) which I deleted like 1 year ago since I did not need them (e.g. "Samlpe Basics" and some I have created for testing in the past)

The worst of all is that after doing a consistency check of the repository it showed me several errors and warning (which I never had before) regarding several subject areas I have created in the past.

I already fixed - by comparing to my backup.rpd in a second session - the points 1 to 3 I have mentioned above. Still I need to get a work on the major topic that some of subject areas do not get to work since the show errors like:

- Business Model XYZ: [39057] There are physical tables mapped in Logical Table Source ""XYZ"."KPI"."XYZ"" that are not used in any column mappings or expressions.

- Business Model KLM: [38208] Logical column "KLM"."KLM"."KPI" does not have a valid data type.

- nQSError: 38188

Therefore my question to you guys: Did I do enything wrong when uploading my repositiory file to the service instance using Linux shell since I can not understand why my backup.rpd looks totally different to the liverpd.rpd (/opt/oracle/base/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/service_instances/ssi/metadata/datamodel/customizations/)?

Best regards and thanks in advance




  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    May sound crazy, but try this.... requires the -D switch at the end, so

    cd /opt/oracle/base/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/bi/bitools/bin/./ uploadrpd -I Backup.rpd -W RPDpassword -SI ssi -U weblogic -P BIpassword -D

    Long story short - an intended functionality that "slipped into" the release version when it shouldn't have been there. Messes up quite some things.

  • Carsten Weber
    Carsten Weber Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Christian,

    thanks for another helpful reply!

    I will try it.

    I also found another solution, where some people followed this guidline:

    1. Stop BI-services

    2. Delete alle files with the following pattern:  rm /opt/oracle/base/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/service_instances/ssi/metadata/datamodel/customizations/liverpd.rpd*

    3. Delete default_diff.xml within: rm opt/oracle/base/product/fmw/user_projects/domains/bi/bidata/service_instances/ssi/metadata/datamodel/customizations/default/rm default_diff.xml

    4. Start BI-services

    5. Use to upload the new .rpd-file

    Im am not quite sure if this would be such a good suggestion before not making any backups.

    Anyways, as I already said I will try your advice in the first place and I will get with the outcome!

    THX again.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Yes that's a way but from what I remember (it's been a while) is, that -D eliminates that need of workarounds

  • Carsten Weber
    Carsten Weber Rank 5 - Community Champion

    OK. I had to just try it tonight and it WORKED !!!

    Thanks very much Christian for sharing you experience again since Oracle did not even reply after almost 4 hours ...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Happy it worked. And doesn't surprise me at all :-)