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RPD Connection TNS when multiple environments

Received Response
Rai Qaiser Hussain
Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

Hi All

We have three different environments and every environment has different TNS


This is used for the development of RPD and analytics by the Software engineers


This is used for the testing by quality assurance department


This is used by the end users i.e. managers, supervisors etc.

Whenever we deploy RPD from one environment to another environment we have to manually change the Data source name as highlighted below.

Is there a way to define TNS at some file and RPD automatically read it?

RPD Connection.jpg


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru
  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi @Christian Berg

    Thanks for the help, may be I am doing something wrong that's why unable to resolve the issue, After reading documents I did as following --- please highlight where I am wrong and how to use JSON file

    1. Write the command with which open the file as shown in Fig.1, saved the file in directory without any modification
    2. updateconnectionpool again without any modification because there was nothing which I could understand
    3. I tried datamodel.cmd as  shown in Fig.3, maybe this is requirement but I don't know how to use the output file.

    Fig.1, listconnectionpool when written comman


    Fig.2, write the updateconnection pool, it again opened the file


    After fig.2, I am stuck what is the next step

    Fig.3, When I write command with datamodel.cmd then below result appear in command prompt--- maybe this is my required file I can put credentials but don't know how to use


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    You can put your DSN entries into a repository variable called something like "DB_CONNECTION" and set it to "DEV" (or whatever the string is - I don't know your environment).

    The you can just use the variables command listrpdvariables.

    Then you change the JSON to say "QA" instead of DEV.

    Then you run updaterpdvariables and put the new variable value in to the RPD.


    That's how the process works.

    And for about the 10th time: Get some proper training! It's questionable at best to work your way through things without the proper basics.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    So is your question answered? Or is it still open?

  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hopefully, I shall update you till monday, currently working

  • Rai Qaiser Hussain
    Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Still working, I shall write the complete steps once completed

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru


    That's it