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obiee 12c Title view,need syntax for adding days to a presentation variable
Hi Gurus,
Please see below the scenario.
I have a simple report with a title and table views. The report is run using a "from_date" presentation variable passed from the dashboard prompt.
My title view should display date value which is "from_date" plus 6 days.
For example: if my dashboard prompt passes value of "from_date" as 4/7/2019, then my title view should show date value as 4/7/2019 plus 6 days which is 4/13/2019.
I have used the timestampadd function as follows: TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,6,@{from_date}). But i see title view out put as "TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_DAY,6,@{from_date})" instead of 4/13/2019.
Please share any inputs.
A title view will render the RESULT of a formula but will never interpret the formula itself.
You need a the result of the formula in a column or a variable and reference that.
In case this sounds confusing:
The title view will show "4" if you have "4" as the result of a column formula or in a variable.
The title view will not show "4" if you type "2+2" into the title view.