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Relocating some catalog objects
Hi all,
We have several dashboards, each containing multiple pages with many individual analyses. Our business users are interested in have some content (page(s), analyses, etc.) delivered, via email - this is still in a pilot/testing phase.
I'd like to relocate some of these objects to a new folder/sub-folder in shared_folders, called 'Delivers'. This way we can work with only the objects we need, and also with individual analyses (so we can pass values to the prompts).
Question here is can we just do an archive / un-archive to the new location? We don't want to copy because we don't want any references to the original objects. Will this be a good method to accomplish it?
Thanks in advance.
Archive is one way, yes. You can also copy and then delete the original object.
Both approaches require some effort. There is no Ctrl+X/CVtrl+V equivalent - sadly.
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Thanks Christian. We'll use the archiving then. We want to keep the originals where the are .
So, once it is done they will be completely different objects, with different paths (as far as the catalog is concerned)?
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THEIR paths will be new, yes, but if you have used saved prompts or filters in an analysis for example, those will still point to the old objects.
Same thing for object you've used in dashboard pages.
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Thanks Christian. We do have saved filters within the analyses. And, The prompts are also saved to the catalog (named prompts, I believe?).
I was hoping to have everything separated. We don't want to impact any of the existing dashboards ...
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What I usually enforce is a folder structure which splits by object type
/shared/Topic/01 Analyses
/shared/Topic/02 Prompts
/shared/Topic/03 Filters
/shared/Topic/04 Agents
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That's very interesting. Ours were basically broken into two pieces: dashboard folders & analyses folders. Everything is either in one or the other.
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I prefer the LEGO approach because keeping things inside the dashboard folders is too messy as it violates the re-usability concept. If analysis A is used in dashboard 1 and then again in dashboard 2 and then...someone deletes dashboard 1 - analysis A is gone from dashboard 2 too.
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Thanks. Sounds like we are dealing with some of those limitations.
... this is good info. I think we can incorporate it and make some improvements to our current setup.
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Circling back to "re-locating" things. If we did want to make a directory structure like that, how would we move things around? Sorry, if this isn't sinking in, I seem to be stuck on this concept
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Moving around isn't the issue, but rather re-establishing the links you had (via the path references) will be the issue.
Do you have many object which need to be retained? I.e. which exist and need to keep functioning afterwards?
It can be QUITE the exercise to completely restructure a whole catalog. There are many things you can script though, so using Catalog Manager Reports as a basis for the work makes sense since you can then load that into Excel and produce scripts from there.