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BIP report fails With Error 'XMLPGEN-03111 : user requested cancel operation'

Received Response
Terna Rank 2 - Community Beginner

Hello. My Publisher reports fails With Error 'XMLPGEN-03111 : user requested cancel operation' when it runs more than 600 seconds.

I increased timout in datamodel but it didn't help.

I found the same question on oracle support  but I can't read the solution without company id there.

Help me please.


  • Hi,
    This thread is challenging: you have the solution in a MOS document but you can't access it.
    Must be noted that it's forbidden to post MOS content here, so people with access to the document will not be allowed to post the solution here.

    By extension I would also say that people not knowing the answer before to open the document can't post solutions as that would just be the same as sharing MOS content with somebody not having access to it.

    Terna wrote:...but I can't read the solution without company id there.

    @Terna : can you find out in your company who has access to Oracle Support so they can open that document for you?