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MONTHNAME just in local language

Received Response
Boček Petr
Boček Petr Rank 4 - Community Specialist

Hi all,

   does anybody know how OBI determines what output language to use for function MONTHNAME. It gives me results only in czech. Even I set my account to english and also the browser but no luck. Also in other countries they see czech names what points me to the db which is the only common thing. Any idea?





  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Hi Petr,

    Shouldn't it be the NLS session parameters driving that?

  • Boček Petr
    Boček Petr Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Thanks Christian, let me check. It looks like the NLS is not dynamicly treated based on user profile settings. I will investigate.

  • Boček Petr
    Boček Petr Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Ok I was able to force NLS change via connection pool by alter session command. But there has to me some other way how to make it dynamic based on user profile settings. Can anybody point me to what config needs to be met?

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    It's function-shipped to the DB I assume ("assume" because obviously OBIS can't ship that to all sources and for some does it internally) which is why the DB wins. So you need to pass the LANG settings to the DB depending on the user's profile.

  • Boček Petr
    Boček Petr Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Question is how. I would use the alter session command linked to a variable but I'm not sure how to fill the variable with value of current locale... Is it LOCALE? But what init block to use?

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    You gotta check out what's populated for your users. USERLOCALE or WEBLANGUAGE
