Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server

Hierarchy Expands All Similar Keys

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I have created a hierarchy with 4 levels.

When I expand Level 1, all of the values for Level 2 are displayed.

When I expand one of the Level 2 values, all matching level 2 values are displayed as well.

An example looks like this (everything expanded):


--Region 1

----Sales Dept

------John Doe

----HR Dept

------Bob Smith

------Chris Jones

----Marketing Dept

------Arnold Port

--Region 2

----Sales Dept

------Sid Nancy

----HR Dept

------Tammy Hughes

------Frank Oslo

----Marketing Dept

------Susan Montgomery

Collapse everything and then expand Total:


--Region 1

--Region 2

Expand Region 2:


--Region 1

--Region 2

----Sales Dept

----HR Dept

----Marketing Dept

Expand HR Dept under Region 2


--Region 1

------Bob Smith

------Chris Jones

--Region 2

----Sales Dept

----HR Dept

------Tammy Hughes

------Frank Oslo

----Marketing Dept

Notice that the HR employees for Region 1 are displayed along with HR employees under Region 2.

I expect only the Region 2 HR employees to be displayed.

Do I have something wrong with my keys?


  • Joel
    Joel ✭✭✭✭✭

    First make sure that your key for each hierarchy level is unique. If it isn't, then you start to experience what you have described above.

  • I made sure each level has a key including each previous level.  Still having the same issue.

  • Ray Kelly
    Ray Kelly ✭✭✭

    I am still trying to resolve this issue.

    If there are any other ideas, please provide.

    Thank you.

  • Ray Kelly
    Ray Kelly ✭✭✭

    Each level is a column from a single table.

    The table looks like this:

    Region    | Dept          | Employee               | Sales Amt

    Region 1 | Sales        | John Doe                | 55

    Region 1 | HR            | Bob Smith               | 110

    Region 1 | HR            | Chris Jones            | 85

    Region 1 | Marketing | Arnold Port              | 33

    Region 2 | Sales        | Sid Nancy                | 331

    Region 2 | HR            | Tammy Hughes       | 231

    Region 2 | HR            | Frank Oslo              | 215

    Region 2 | Marketing | Susan Montgomery | 92

    I have created keys for each level as follows:

    RegionKey = Region Column

    DeptKey  =Region Column and Dept Column

    EmpKey = Region Column, Dept Column and Employee Column

    Still, when I expand Region 1 -> HR, the hierarchy expands Region 2's HR column as well.

    I am not sure what else to look at.

    Please help!