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Please help the issue related to TimeZone in OBIEE 12C

Hi Everyone
I face with a very strange issue related to TimeZone in OBIEE 12C (
I create a analysis include:
+ A title with @{system.currentTime}
+ A table with a datetime column from OBI model (rpd), my db is Oracle 12C (with DBTIMEZONE:+00:00, and SESSIONTIMEZONE: +00:00)
1. My TimeZone instanceconfig.xml
<Logging>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</Logging>
<DefaultUserPreferred>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</DefaultUserPreferred>
<DefaultDataDisplay>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</DefaultDataDisplay>
- TimeZone in my account is "(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta" too
- The result is:
+ @{system.currentTime}: correct. same os time(GTM+7).
+ Datetime column in analysis: 7hours greater than value in DB.
+ Datetime column in xlsx export from analysis: the same value display in analysis.
- I changed Timezone to "(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia" in My Account(see image), here is the result:
+ @{system.currentTime}: 7hours less than os time.
+ Datetime column in analysis: 7hours greater than value in DB.
+ Datetime column in xlsx export from analysis: the same value in DB.
2. I change change TimeZone config in instanceconfig.xml to:
<Logging>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</Logging>
<DefaultUserPreferred>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</DefaultUserPreferred>
<DefaultDataDisplay>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</DefaultDataDisplay>
- The ressult is:
+ @{system.currentTime}: 7hours less than os time.
+ Datetime column in analysis: the same value in DB.
+ Datetime column in xlsx export from analysis: 7hours greater value display in analysis.
- I changed Timezone to "(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia" in My Account, here is the result:
+ @{system.currentTime}: 14hours less than os time.
+ Datetime column in analysis: the same value in DB.
+ Datetime column in xlsx export from analysis: the same value display in analysis.
3. I change change TimeZone config in instanceconfig.xml to:
<Logging>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</Logging>
<DefaultUserPreferred>(GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta</DefaultUserPreferred>
<DefaultDataDisplay>(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia</DefaultDataDisplay>
- The ressult is:
+ @{system.currentTime}: the same os time.
+ Datetime column in analysis: the same value in DB.
+ Datetime column in xlsx export from analysis: 7hours greater value display in analysis.
- I changed Timezone to "(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia" in My Account, here is the result:
+ @{system.currentTime}: 7hours less than os time.
+ Datetime column in analysis: the same value in DB.
+ Datetime column in xlsx export from analysis: the same value display in analysis.
Please help me solve this issue.
I run into the same issue after applied the April 202 PSU, we have opened p1 with Oracle for 6 days, no one has any idea so far.
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Same here.
Default settings
Export to excel add 3h to datetime and timestamp
with "(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia" in My Account or <(GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia</DefaultUserPreferred> in instanceconfig
dates are exported correctly but @{system.currentTime} is incorrect.
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Can anyone please let us know if there was any solution provided by Oracle for this issue?
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@User_7NKFB This is a 2year-old thread. If you have a question please open your own thread and post your question with full details and information necessary for helping you:
- Provide a good summary titleThe title may not be enough to list all the details., but at a minimum add enough details that just by reading the title someone will be able to tell if they can help you with this issue or not.
(e.g. How can I achieve XYZ, Action fails with error XYZ) - Provide Detailed ContextPrepare your question. Think it through.Follow the golden rule ... imagine you are on the receiving end of the question, and ask the question in a way that you would want to hear (or read) it and respond to it.
- Identify the product and update/version
(e.g. OAC MM YYYY update, OAS YYYY, patch level XYZ: tip, use command: opatch lspatches, operating system, database type, etc.) - If a "How To" question, document the goal of what you are trying to achieve (perhaps there are different paths to the same solution).
- If an error,
- Provide details of what is not working, the symptoms and errors.
- Detail if it was working prior to a recent change (update, patch, upgrade, database, security/permissions, etc.), or it has never worked.
- If applicable, provide detailed steps to reproduce the issue.
- If applicable, provide 'sanitized' screenshots, short video, logs, error messages
- Provide details of what you have tried to remedy the situation. Be a part of the solution. Do not expect to post and have community members perform for work for you. If you are new to the products, that's OK, just identify you are learning.
- Explain the research you already did to try to answer your own question.
- Explain the diagnostic steps you already took.
- If you have a Service Request open, post the SR number.
- Follow-up with feedback
- If you need clarification to a response that is fine, but keep the thread to one topic, not multiple questions.
- If the response helped you and leads you to a solution, either directly or indirectly, then post back your results.
Everyone learns this way and solutions can be rediscovered.
0 - Provide a good summary titleThe title may not be enough to list all the details., but at a minimum add enough details that just by reading the title someone will be able to tell if they can help you with this issue or not.