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How to change the remote port 9501 on opmn.xml?

Hello every one, we have obiee12214 and OBIA on the same box, not sure why, port 9501 is being used by both,
when we try to change port 9501 on opmn.xml for BI App, we are seeing BI down in obia11gEM console.
is there any one has the issue? if so, how to change the port 9501 for OBIA11. opmn.xml? thanks
Sounds like you are working with @3878813 (em console shows coreapplication down when everything is fine ) ...
I have the really bad impression you are asking the wrong questions and not fully understood what means upgrading OBIEE in OBIA.
OBIA comes with an OBIEE out of the box (one of the many tools OBIA comes with), this OBIEE is a I believe or something like that.
When you want to upgrade OBIEE to 12c in a OBIA environment, you aren't replacing or removing the OBIEE which comes with the product, you are simply adding an OBIEE 12c next to it, migrate your OBIEE content there and start pointing your users to that OBIEE 12c instead of the old 11g.
The OBIEE 11g coming with your OBIA install must stay there and will stay there.
Obviously if you install on the same server it's your job to make sure you aren't having conflicting ports between the 2 installs, sounds like you didn't do that.
Now you don't want to change a port in opmn.xml, that's not the reason of the request. You want to change the port 9501 used by one of the 2 OBIEE so that the other one can use it.
Find what component is using 9501 in the instance you want to change (could be OPMN, could be Node Manager or bunch of other processes) and check the doc on how to change the port used by that component. The doc (or MOS documents if not) covers changing port for every component.
Not going to post in this thread anymore, but as reaction to OP message "Thanks for the response. however, it has no value" : it maybe has no value, still I know how to change ports of all the components by understanding the architecture of the product and my OBIEE works. Good luck with your XY problem!
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Thanks for the response. however, it has no value