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Date format issue

Hi Team,
We have bill_date field data type is varchar and it contains 2 formats of data
- 20180827T120100.000 GMT --- for few records
- 3/21/2019 12:00 AM --- for few records
We have to convert these data in MM\DD\YYYY format in RPD, issue we are facing is
If we use below date conversion:
TO_DATETIME (substring ("Bill"."Date" from 1 for 8), 'YYYY/MM/DD')
Then it will consider
[nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 1843, message: ORA-01843: not a valid month at OCI call OCIStmtFetch. (HY000)
TO_DATETIME (substring ("Bill"."Date" from 1 for 10), 'YYYY/MM/DD')
Then it will consider
Error :
[nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 1861, message: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string at OCI call OCIStmtFetch. (HY000)
Version : OBIEE 12c
How to handle format issue can someone assist.
Raa.BI wrote:We have to convert these data in MM\DD\YYYY format in RPD, issue we are facing is
You don't want that, at the best this is a workaround waiting the fix to be done where it has to be done: database.
In the RPD it means the formula will be applied on every single row of your queries, no need to look any further for problems: slow, no index usage etc.
Your 2 formats have a clearly different length, add a CASE WHEN checking the length of the string and apply 2 logic in your substring-to_datetime.
You can't expect a single mask format to match 2 different string formats.
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I’m trying to convert below DB query into OBI logic facing issue to convert To_date function was there any different syntax I have use in OBI.
when instr(bill_DATE,'/') > 0
then to_date(bill_DATE ,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM')
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Raa.BI wrote:... facing issue to convert To_date function was there any different syntax I have use in OBI.
In your first post you used TO_DATETIME, so you probably have to use that function as OBIEE doesn't have a TO_DATE function.
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Sql query working in DB, trying convert in report facing below issue
SQl Query:
Select bill_dat,
when instr(bill_dat,'/') > 0
then to_date(bill_dat ,'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM')
else to_date (substr(bill_dat, 1,8),'YYYYMMDD')
from sample
OBI Logic:
when INSTR("sample"."bill_dat",'/') > 0
then To_DateTime("Sample"."bill_ dat, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI AM')
else To_DateTime(SUBSTRING("Sample"."bill_dat" from 1 for 8),'YYYYMMDD')
Error facing:
[nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. (HY000)
[nQSError: 27042] Function INSTR is not defined by administrator. (HY000)
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OBIEE doesn't speak SQL but LSQL.
Every place letting you enter a formula as selectors to show you what formulas exists.
The forum doesn't let me upload a picture right now (something must be wrong).
If you look into String function you find one called "Position", have a look.
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Loads of talk in this thread but how about looking at what's really stored in the DB and checking what your NQSConfig.ini is set to?