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View Selector - How to Edit Analysis?

Received Response
User_4ITW9 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

Hi Guys,

Have a question for you.

I have to edit a report my employeer has on OBIEE11g. When I go to Results Tab and Edit the Analysis I found a view selector:


Now I'm trying to edit the views included in that selector (never used View Selector). But can find the option to edit them

How can I do that?.

Thank you guys.



  • I don't have an 11g anymore, but on the left side of the screen you must have a place with the list of all the views of the analysis (at the bottom maybe). From there you can edit, delete, duplicate etc. every single view.

  • This is OAS, but 11g was already like that (just with different colors ...)


  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Gianni gave you the answer already, but just so you know:

    11g is completely outdated and no longer supported. You should upgrade asap as even 12c is already being replaced by OAS (Oracle Analytics Server) so you're way behind the curve.

  • User_4ITW9
    User_4ITW9 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thank you Gianni,

    Yes, I have that same option, but currently is throwing an error when I tried to edit a View.

    Ruta de acceso no válida ([object HTMLImageElement],[object HTMLSpanElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLTableCellElement],[object HTMLTableRowElement],[object HTMLTableSectionElement],[object HTMLTableElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLTableCellElement],[object HTMLTableRowElement],[object HTMLTableSectionElement],[object HTMLTableElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLTableCellElement],[object HTMLTableRowElement],[object HTMLTableSectionElement],[object HTMLTableElement],[object HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLBodyElement],[object HTMLHtmlElement],[object HTMLDocument],[object Window]) -- must start with a slash

    Will have to solve this first.

    Thank you very much for your quick answer!

  • User_4ITW9
    User_4ITW9 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Christian, yes, I am aware that this version is outdated, but I have to work with what the client has.

    Thank you for your comments.

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    If you're a consultant, then it's even more your job to educate your client.

  • You can always, as quick workaround, add it back to the layout and edit from there in case the bottom-left keeps not working (don't remember if it lets you do that without removing it first from the view selector, but in both cases it's just few clicks more).

  • User_4ITW9
    User_4ITW9 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    The Client make the decision. I'm in Argentina. You are welcome to come a try it.

  • User_4ITW9
    User_4ITW9 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thank you Gianni. I'll try that.