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Questions on Usage Tracking
Hello, we try to enable Usage Tracking for our OBIEE 12C following Doc ID 2366978.1,
however, we have to query the tables S_NQ_ACC, S_NQ_DB_ACCT and S_NQ_INITBLOCK to get the results,
but we would like to run the report like other Dasbboard reports to see the result which similar to, can you please let me know if there is any one knows how to do that?
Thank you very much!
OBIEE is exactly built for that job: query tables based on a model you provide and build dashboards on top.
In previous OBIEE versions there was an RPD provided with a small model built on top of usage tracking tables, try to look into your own install to see if you find that RPD or a BAR for it.
You could also look into the SampleApp (, it has a model built on top of usage tracking and also many dashboards and analysis already built.
To keep it simple: for OBIEE your usage tracking table is just a table, it doesn't have any special meaning when it is used as source. You model it in the RPD as any other physical source and use it to build a business model and expose it as a subject area. Just like anything else in your OBIEE.
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Thanks, do you have any sample for how to do " and build dashboards on top" ? this is what we need, build the dashboards reports
Thanks again
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i meant built the dashboard reports so that we donot need to query the tables, just run the report to get the audit report result. thanks
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I don't have examples, but you can find some inside the SampleApp.
It's OBIEE: dashboards are built like everything else in OBIEE. Aren't you using the tool for some kind of analysis? It will be the same exact job, except that instead of using a subject area about sales, stocks, HR or whatever else you do, it will be usage tracking data.
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Thanks. all we need is to display the results from each SQL below, each SQL display a report, so we need 3 individual report from each SQL:
We do not need to change RPD since they are already built-in? we just need a "hot link" that when we click on it from some where and get the report. thanks
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Sorry to ask but: do you know how to use OBIEE?
Having a physical table defined in the RPD doesn't mean you don't have to change the RPD. It all depends on how you want to do things.
If all you are after is just "SELECT * FROM ...", why don't you do a direct database requests? Not really using anything OBIEE can do, but if you don't need anything more it will do the job.
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Thanks, the people who need to see the report does not have access to the DB to run the SQL directly. that is why they want to run it from dashboard instead.