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Not delivering OBIEE reports through agent and BI Publisher reports when the file size crosses 10 MB

Hello Everyone,
I have noticed that our obiee reports and BI publisher reports are not getting delivered through email when the file size crosses 10 MB.
Our exchange email file size limitation is 25 mb and there is no issue from outlook as well.
Tried checking over internet to increase this configuration , did not find any information.
Please let me know if there is any such limitation, if yes how can we increase it.
And what do the logs say? If a size limit is hit in OBIEE there should be something logged somewhere. And also if the email is sent by OBIEE there is a log. Go through your logs to find exactly where things stop. Don't exclude it's an issue with your mail server till you don't see the logs saying OBIEE didn't even try to send the email.
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Appreciate your quick response and advise.
I have ran the agent and is succeeded and did not log ay errors.
status = Agent Chain Completed. Status: Completed,
When we speak to our network/mail server team they are telling that they did not receive any event for the same.
May you please advise if there is any way to figure what might be the cause for this.