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How to reach old created reports after ldap integration ?
Hello everyone,
I am using BI Publisher Enterprise and activated LDAP authentication on it. When i activated LDAP security model, my old local users are disabled. Before LDAP integration, I was using "Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Model" and creating my all report inside of "My Folders" directory by using default local admin user. When LDAP authorization is activated, can we login local users ? Or Is there any way to move/synchronize these reports on super user ?
Version: Oracle BI Publisher
Before LDAP integration, I was using "Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Model"
What is the setting now? If should still be the same because your LDAP is hooked up to the FMW security. The FMW security backbone OPSS is still the one doing the work. Your users probably just reside in an outside LDAP now instead of the one embedded in WLS.
You should maybe outline your security setup before and after more precisely in order to get a clear answer.