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Greater flexibility when navigating within BI Dashboards
Users really benefit from the ability to drill-down or navigate, but with OAC/OAS the feature is quite fixed and static. In reality, we don't know until run-time as to what content the user wants to navigate to - users don't always want to see the same columns on the target analysis, and we cannot provide and maintain a large number of navigation targets on every analysis.
To overcome this, we would like a standard feature that enables to choose a selection of columns to view in the target analysis when they navigate to other BI content. The ideally need to specify the column order and then save the selection of columns.
We have actually had to implement this feature for one customer - it involves a great deal of custom javascript and web services. The javascript enables the user to select which columns they want (the list is dynamic - obtained from the target analysis via web services). The user can apply the selection and the web service then auto-generates the target analysis with the specified columns. The user selection is saved for their next session. Works great but a lot of effort and tough to support.
Use Case and Business Need
Without this approach, the users had to navigate to a report containing every possible column they could want to see, they then downloaded the results to excel to do the rest. The benefit of this feature is that it reduces the need for users to download to excel (if users have to download to excel to perform a task then the analytics platform is deficient in some way).
Original Idea Number: f7a6425bea
Booked Orders Dashboard built in Order Management Subject Area could meet the needs of more teams. i.e. Teams looking at internal orders could share same dashboards and reports as OM operations teams who book hundreds of thousands of orders annually across various LOB. Columns required would depend on LOB, so giving users ability to choose columns would help.