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Enhanced drag & drop / slice & dice / pivoting within BI Dashboards

OAC / OAS provides the ability for users to move / add / exclude columns when viewing an analysis, whilst this drag & drop capability is useful it is only really applicable for a small amount of modification.....trying to do lots of manipulation is cumbersome.
After users drill-down (or navigate) to a detailed line-by-line report, we find they often want to work with the data in some way. The steps they want to perform are different each day. We also find that different users want to see columns pivoted differently.
Whilst they could achieve what they want by going into Answers or using drag & drop features, the reality is that Answers is too difficult (or clunky) to use for the majority of users and the drag & drop features within the dashboard are too cumbersome - especially as you can only do one operation at a time and you have to wait for the query/page to refresh after every step performed.
To solve this issue, users currently download all the data to Excel and work within Excel instead of using the analytics tool.
We need some form of "power pivot" capability within the dashboards, almost like working with an offline copy of the data within excel where users can move/add/exclude columns (or groups of columns) and apply sorts/filters in a really slick 'n easy manner. But instead of working in excel, we need to work with the data within the browser session.
Data Viz is not the answer here as we cannot expect users to open up a new project in data viz and re-implement their dashboard each time they want to play with the data.
Use Case and Business Need
If a user has to download to excel then the customer takes the view that the analytics platform is deficient. There is no way we can deliver them drill-down reports that are perfect for every user - they all want to see different combinations of dimensions pivoted etc.
Original Idea Number: 3160f4c636
Countless opportunities for this.
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yes, we need this option. Much needed!
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This feature would allow users to stay within the tool and perform their analysis. Excellent idea.