Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Network Monitoring

Needs Votes

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In order see what our true performances are between on prem and Oracle Cloud it would be nice to have a network monitoring tool.

Use Case and Business Need

Networking monitoring for infrastructure

Original Idea Number: d22d1f78f1

2 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • Can you provide a bit more detail about what you want to see and how you would use the information?  You can see query behavior in the console for the data access side of the information.  

  • Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    What would be helpful for us is something that can monitor a report from cloud to the on prem db or to cloud ADW. Many times our user community says "xxx report is slow" so we would have to involve oracle, ATT Netbound, on prem dba's etc to even trace it through. I know oracle has OMC but im still investigating that application as a solution.


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