Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

Make a visible distinction for the visualizations that support Data Actions

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Add a Data Action Symbol somewhere in the visualization for the user to know that it can use a Data Action on it.

Use Case and Business Need

Use Case:

We define data actions for drilling to other applications based on what the end-user selects (a lead, an opportunity, etc.).

The end-user knows that there is a data action on a visualization only if it right-clicks on it or if he/she knows that a data action was defined.


Business Need:

End-users will use more this functionality if they know that it exists on visualizations.

Original Idea Number: 160c6a38df

4 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • Wilian Perone
    Wilian Perone ✭✭✭✭

    It could be useful to have something similar to answers where the formatting of that specific cell/column where you have the drill/data action is different of the rest.