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Table in one row using SECTION
Honestly I will not say you are wrong in this memory, I just don't remember having see it and always saw people asking for it ending up with the javascript / css hack.
Let's try the "historical reference for OBIEE": @Christian Berg, what's your memory about this? (and no, by "historical" I don't mean you are old .... or maybe I do ... who knows )
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Your mother never tell you to show respect to the elderly?!
Seriously, after more extensive searching I bow to your superior memory, I think my memory was of another BI system that shall remain nameless, or possibly Apex.
I have only repeatedly found the hack, suggestions to do it with multiple reports etc, no way to snake here.
Sorry I wasted your time!!
No offence Christian, there is snow on my roof too, probably why the memory is failing...
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No this is unfortunately something which has been requested but isn't there - at least not in normal, on-premises, ootb OBIEE
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The pivot table would likely not fit your specific need on hindsight, because the dimension values in the rows (QPH...,.QSM.... Etc) are different for each section.
Although if by "Use pivot table?" you mean that you do not know how or when to use pivot tables you should definitively look into those!
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I knowo who to use pivot table, I only thought that you know some secret solution with pivot.