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Give access to role to edit dashboards and reports but not to save them
Can you share the error screenshot so that it will be easy to debug.
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3479093 wrote:Thanks Yaswanth, I have given BI Author role to Dev Role which has users and in Access to answers - BI Author role has access. But when i edit the report i get Access Prohibited You are not currently authorized to use Oracle BI Answers. What i am missing here so that users can edit the reports.
You both are assuming the system is using the default out of the box security model with little changes: I never saw that in a real system, except when the security is a total mess and it's about to just fail badly ...
It's not possible to say "grant this role to the user and done" without having a full picture of the security model.
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This is quite an old post but it would be a requirement we would also like….A requirement for our Data Analysts & Superusers to have the functionality of editing a dashboard (pencil icon to edit dashboard available) but not be able to save. This would assist both in troubleshooting analyses together with empowering them with the knowledge of how a particular Dashboard was configured. The associated shared folders have been granted open permissions. The user group(s) who require this functionality have more than BI Consumer access they have BI Author access - essentially 1st Line support... However whilst they have BI Author access we still do not want them saving prebuilt Dashboards. So yes we require them to have the functionality of editing but not saving.
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Hi @User_O735C ,
Welcome to the Oracle Analytics community and forum.
This is indeed a very old post that went through a number of forum's platforms migrations and lost attached pictures in the process etc.
If you want to ask for a new feature to be added in the product, you should consider posting a new idea in
(have a search first to just make sure the same exact one isn't there already).I'm going to close this thread for now, being 7 years old already. Consider posting the idea, that's the best way to have a chance to see a new feature being added in the product.