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OBIEE 12c: DB Repository migration from 11g to 12c

Hi guys,
fist of all I want to state my versions I am using for the upcoming scenario / question:
OBIEE: Version
Oracle Essbase: Version
In the next two months our Oracle database administrator is on planning to migrate all our Oracle databases (EE) from version 11g to 12c (on a new server) and this task will also affect all repository tables for above mentioned tools which have been created during the process of installation in the past.
For migration our DBA would simply take a snapshot / dump of the productive 11g environment schemas and he would load it into the 12c environment on the new server.
User names and passwords will stay the same as on the 11g environment so I would only need to point our OBIEE and Essbase application to the new server IP address.
We have already done this kind of migration of a Hyperion Interactive Reporting environment in the past by using a config-tool which was located on the application server.
My question is at which points (maybe Enterprise Manager 12c) I would need to make an adjustment to the setup which points to the database repository?
Best regards and thanks in advance
Hi Carsten,
Joel war schneller, aber hier der direkte Link nochmal:
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Hi Joel and Christian,
thank you very much for your quick response.
I will check the links and afterwards I will highlight the correct anwser.
Best regards
Update (25.10.2018 / 13:33 CET):
Okay, I have just read the instructions and I think I understood what to modify in the respective directories.
Eventhough there is still the question, of setting upthe adjustments for our Essbase instance since the user data (e.g. admin login) is also stored within the Oracle database.
Can anyone give me a hint on that one?
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If this is OBIEE reporting Essbase data then it will be in the connection pool, which is the question I misread you as asking the first time....
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Hi Robert,
indeed we use Essbase for a multi-demensional data source but I am pretty sure I don't need to make any adjustments to my RPD within the OBI administration tool since the Essbase application (also the cube data / rule files) and our OBIEE application is stored on the same application server.
Still I think I would need to make a modification to the configuration which connects the Essbase application to the Oracle 11g / 12c database which is used to store data (e.g. login information for Essbase) which keeps the application running.
Best regards
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Hi Carsten,
whilst OBIEE and Essbase are complimentary products they are not so tightly tied together that OBIEE will use Essbase as a data source without some work within the rpd.
Originally someone will have; -
- set up a connection pool to your Essbase instance using the (albeit local) connection details, user and password
- imported Essbase into the physical layer
- probably altered some of the default characteristics
- modelled it into the business model layer
- modelled (sic) it into the presentation layer
Like this =>
(I know this is 11g - the song remains the same....)
If all of the details used in the first step above are still valid, then the Essbase subject area will still work as is in OBIEE, if not then you need to revisit the first step and reconfigure any changes in the connection pool as previously advised.
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Hi Robert,
thanks for your reply.
Anyways it was still not what I was looking for since I do not want to change the connection between Oracle BI (within OBI admin tool) and Essbase but I want to change the connection between Essbase application and its repository which is located within an Oracle 11g database.
I think that I have just found what I need do since Essbase application seems to be quite similar to Hyperion Interactive Reporting when it comes to configuration:
1. Stop all Essbase services on the application server
2. Modify the db repository information within "eas_datasource-jdbc.xml" and "EPMSystemRegistry-jdbc.xml" (/opt/oracle/base/product/epm/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/config/jdbc)
3. Modify "/opt/oracle/base/product/12.1.0/client_1/network/admin" (/opt/oracle/base/product/12.1.0/client_1/network/admin)
4. Restart all Essbase services on the application server
Actually step 2 should be do-able by using "" but somehow my putty session always shows an error when trying to start it.
I will keep you updated how things went as soon as I did the migration in the upcoming week ... hopefully it will be a success.
Best regards
Carsten0 -
sorry it was where you were pitching the question (OBIEE space!) that threw me, you would be have been better with Essbase on-premise for that perhaps...
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Our migration of Oracle BI repository and Oracle Essbase repository from database version 11g to 12c was successful.
Thanks again for everyones help and for providing the useful link (regarding Oracle BI).
For Oracle Essbase it is important to run the after making all the changes.