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Pivot Table custom formatting



Ability to customize a pivot table similar to the one in the classic dashboard. Customize font, change columns, conditional formatting, customize colors...

Use Case and Business Need

Ability to customize a pivot table similar to Excel.

Original Idea Number: 6d00251f85

8 votes

Delivered · Last Updated


  • Costin Domozina - Oracle
    Costin Domozina - Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Is conditional formatting in pivot/table visualizations on the roadmap for a future release ?

  • delivered (minus conditional formatting which is a different project)

  • gmigotto
    gmigotto Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Hi. I saw in 105.6 these features.

    But the resizing working is somewhat weird, easy to shrink the row label row, but then is impossible to take it back to the original size or larger (which was the aim). Tried even with Shift & drag, to mimic shortcut used in office tables manipulation, but it doesn't work.

    So it seems a first step into full customization.


  • Wilian Perone
    Wilian Perone Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Gabby, 

    Is this different project related to the conditional formatting of a specific cell inside the table/pivot table? Or is it something else?


  • If this is still the case, can you post a video? It works for me when I drag it. There is a small issue that if you go beyond the side of the existing pivot you don't see it until you release the mouse, but it still grows.

  • Yes, conditional formatting is a different project scheduled for 1H 2021 at this point.

  • Angel Shipp
    Angel Shipp Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Gabby, we are now approaching 2H of 2021. When do you think we'll have conditional formatting on tables?

  • If you got upgraded to 6.0, it is planned for the next update.