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Add a Data Connector for Sharepoint Lists in Office 365


Organization Name

State of Maine


State of Maine uses Office 365, and with the COVID-19 Pandemic a proliferation of MS Teams groups is happening. Each team comes with its own Office 365 Sharepoint site, and I am seeing more and more data being collected in Sharepoint Lists. Making a data connector to consume a dataset from an Office 365 Sharepoint List would be an incredible value for the product.

Use Case and Business Need

Data analyst creates a survey using Forms on Sharepoint and saves the data to a list. Data Analyst connects Sharepoint List or DV using Create Data Set function and picks SharePoint list as data source. Data Analyst creates a valuable analysis and shares it with Boss for big wins!

Everyone rejoices!

Original Idea Number: 5e3604103c

27 votes

Planned · Last Updated

Planned in the product roadmap:


  • Manav Purohit
    Manav Purohit Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    There are a lot of data sets in one drive and sharepoint and having a way to extract this data would be very helpful

  • Marcelo Finkielsztein
    Marcelo Finkielsztein Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    That would be useful.

    Same goes for Amazon, etc. 

  • Jeff Jordan
    Jeff Jordan Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    A new use case came forward today. The business has built a low code function using power apps which stores data into a sharepoint list. They have approached us to ingest the data into Oracle Analytics but no good connector is available.

  • Branden Pavol
    Branden Pavol Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    My company also uses O365. As much as I don't like people creating datasets out of excel, it doesn't look like it's going to stop. We have to use Python to work around this. Having a connector would make it so much simpler.

  • Parag Hiremath
    Parag Hiremath Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Upvoted - will be a useful feature. Thanks

  • Brett Wist
    Brett Wist Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Like others have stated, there is an uptick in the use of M365 Lists (and other SharePoint "data") and some of our business analysts are gravitating to PowerBI for connecting to the SharePoint data. It would be helpful to be able to keep those users in the OAC world and to be able to easily integrate the SharePoint data with the rest of the OAC/OCI infrastructure.