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Oracle publisher problem with integers and doubles

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Oracle publisher problem with integers and doubles


hello every body;

i want to create a report with oracle publisher 11g

I create the model, i check for data every thing is ok.

but when i create the report based on this model there some not displayed.

when i try to check the problem i found this:

1-when the data is double type therse no problem for displaying

2-when the data is integer type, only date whitout camma "," are siplayed : it means: 123 is diplayed: 123,4 is not!!!

i searched but no thing found

plz any solution?

thank you at advance.


  • BluShadow
    BluShadow Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    to_number is a function that takes either a DATE datatype or a VARCHAR2 datatype and returns a number from it.

    By supplying a numeric datatype it will first implicitly convert it to a string (varchar2) and then to a NUMBER.

    To avoid implicit conversion, you would be better to use the cast function e.g.

    CAST(columnname AS NUMBER)

  • BluShadow
    BluShadow Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    You do realise that integer values don't have decimal precision?  That's the definition of an integer.

  • Aouadj N
    Aouadj N Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    thank you for your response.

    i have resolved the problem by adding to_number(field) in my views at the database

    and it works fine.

    thank you a lot