Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

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R13.x Deprecated and New BI View Objects



This posting includes R13 deprecated Business Intelligence View Objects (BIVOs) that are unavailable for extraction using BI Cloud Connector (BICC) in Oracle Applications Cloud. It also includes new BIVOs and columns, including which are selected for extraction in BICC.


This posting is applicable to customers using BICC to extract data from Oracle Applications Cloud. The spreadsheets in this posting are published by Oracle BI Cloud Adapter Development. They document deprecated, inactive, and new BIVOs. Deprecated BIVOs and BIVO columns that are inactive are unavailable for extraction using BICC in Oracle Applications Cloud. Customers can use these spreadsheets to research deprecated and inactive VOs to exclude them from BICC extracts, and to understand the new BIVOs and columns available for extraction.

Additionally, use the following guides that describe the view objects and attributes:



  • StuJM
    StuJM Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi Rohan

    Thank you for this article and the list of changes.

    If Fusion is SAAS why don't Oracle Corp exclude these VOs as part of the patching on Fusion?

    Many Thanks


  • User_NQABC
    User_NQABC Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Hi Rohan, how about release 13_21? Thanks

  • Rizwan Basha
    Rizwan Basha Rank 2 - Community Beginner



    I am looking for latest 21X BIVO list for ERP (Financials, Procurement, Projects and HCM). Any link where I can download the latest listing. Appreciate your help




  • User_HSF2V
    User_HSF2V Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hello Rohan

    Do you ahve idea about 22A BIVO list



  • Sahil Makhiza
    Sahil Makhiza Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Any updates on 22B List?

  • proesler_ucsd
    proesler_ucsd Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi All,

    How do we go about asking to add fields to certain view objects? Is there a feature request that can be put in, if so how is this done?

    For example I would like the FundingAllocationId added to the FscmTopModelAM.PrjExtractAM.PjcBiccExtractAM.ExpenditureItemExtractPVO view object.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • OraTechAssociate
    OraTechAssociate Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Hi All,

    I understand VOs are added/deprecated. Does Oracle ever add/remove columns from an existing VO? If so, are there ever cases where a column is added and then enabled by default so would automatically be included in a custom offering that was created with that VO?


  • Dave Kekish
    Dave Kekish Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Columns get added all the time, the depreciation document lists additions to the VO's as well, and some of them are selected on the VO by default, but to my knowledge, it will never alter a job already setup. So if you already have a configured VO, it will stay that way until you alter it.

  • LCann-Oracle
    LCann-Oracle Rank 1 - Community Starter

    If the VO is marked as customized then changes made by Oracle to seed data/starter selections will not get included in extracts. Best practice would be to edit/close (touch, don't need to actually make a change) to get the VO marked as customized. That way any changes coming from Oracle will not affect your extracts/jobs.

  • satya_nvs
    satya_nvs Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Does anyone have any experience around using the extract vs. nonextract PVOs for data extraction? For certain areas like planning where there are no ExtractPVOs would it be OK to use the non-extract PVOs? How often do these non-extract PVOs change or get deprecated and if they do change often, then is using BIP a better approach to extract data in bulk for data warehousing use cases?