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I'm New to Oracle analytics cloud, May i know how to learn OAC and source of learning
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Additionally, there is a monthly or every other month. Oracle Analtyics Live!
It covers new and upcoming features and use-cases.
You can register here:
Oracle Analytics YouTube Channel to learn new features + troubleshooting videos
Quick Oracle Analytics Learning Sprints and workshops.
As @EzequielC-Oracle mentioned, the documentation has links to Tutorials, and some are embedded directly in the topic.
It may be overwhelming to start, if you are new to the product, but start with a high-level overview or product tour
As @Gianni Ceresa mentioned, it is best to get your hands-on to understand SQL, for that it is best to check into an Oracle Database tutorial.
Welcome to Oracle Analytics!
Hi Ajay,
You can create free tier account and provision OAC there.
then follow the below link to start with OAC beginner and Handson.
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You can create free tier account and provision OAC there.
Keep in mind that OAC is not part of the free tier but it is available with the 30 days 300$ cloud credits.
As soon as you reach 30 days or 300$ (the first one), your OAC will stop working or you have to pay for it yourself (and make sure to clearly understand the cost of OAC if it's for personal training and not an OAC instance provided by your employer).
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need any SQL for or anyother languages
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Are you asking if you need to know SQL to learn and use OAC? Or are you asking how to learn SQL as well?
While you could use OAC without knowing SQL, I will say you will not fully understand how the tool work without knowing SQL. You will still be able to build things and display data, but you will not really be able to debug a query or fully explain what is going on without being able to understand queries (and this also if you only use Excel sources or others, because OAC does use its own language, LSQL, in various places: not SQL but very similar to SQL).
Keeping it simple: for analytics works, SQL is a kind of requirement to have in your toolbox.
It's a bit like driving: you can drive a car without knowing what road signs mean, but if you do know what road signs mean you will be a better driver and will also understand why you had a crash when crossing that intersection with a STOP sign and you didn't stop. Next time you will not crash anymore ;)
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yes, I'm asking need Orcale SQL for OAC to develop the reports and dashboards.
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Hi Ajay,
You can check the Oracle Analytics Portal. There you can download several demo packs that will allow to test features and learn:
All Analytics documentation is available, indexed and searchable:
You could also pursuit the certification. That would be a great way to learn Analytics:
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As said, you don't require SQL to work with OAC. You could build things visually and work "clicking" around without the need of writing queries. But SQL is really something extremely useful with working with this kind of tools.