Oracle Analytics Publisher

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BI Publisher Desktop install missing Word Add In

Accepted answer


  • user9525019
    user9525019 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    When I installed BIP the menus were missing in MS Word (2007), with BIP the issue was the same until I installed TBMenusSetup. Then I leave TBMenusSetup and uninstalled BIP 11g and installed BIP12c, now I can see the menus.

  • Shant Sarkissian_NES
    Shant Sarkissian_NES Rank 1 - Community Starter

    @user9525019 Where were you able to find the TBMenusSetup MSI file on your PC? I found TBAddInSetup64.msi in the "DotNetInstallFiles" sub-directory, but not TBMenusSetup

  • user9525019
    user9525019 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    I think some installs (binaries) have that file, some do not. What I did is I installed that version which had that file.

  • Shant Sarkissian_NES
    Shant Sarkissian_NES Rank 1 - Community Starter

    So, what helped me...

    I had to have Visual studio tools for office runtime installed

    Had to have "Oracle BI Publisher Desktop" (64bit for Windows Office) installed

    Had to ensure the add-in is enabled in MS Word

    THEN, had to run this from my Windows start menu, which was the final bit, making my BI Publisher tab/ribbon visible in Word:

    I hope this helps folks !

  • User_HO2MT
    User_HO2MT Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Shant Sarkissian_NES -

    The step to enable the template builder from windows start menu worked for me. Thank you

  • Kavitha C
    Kavitha C Rank 1 - Community Starter

    @user9525019 I tried different installation files but was not able to find the TBMenusSetup file in any of them. Can you please help me with the link of the file which had the correct add in file?

  • Marcus M. Thompson
    Marcus M. Thompson Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    I can't believe how gullible I must be to think that Oracle will actually create an installer that works for this product. For YEARS, my friends, across many releases, this has been an issue. I've faced it in 11g, 12, and now Oracle Analytics Publisher.

  • VVRK2050
    VVRK2050 Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Even Today, I am facing the same issue. Tried all the responses above , but still no luck!

  • Missy Shores
    Missy Shores Rank 1 - Community Starter

    I am facing same issue as well. Tried all steps and nothing. Anything in the DotNetInstallFiles is for OLD version and doesn't work. Any suggestions??

  • User_IQ2VI
    User_IQ2VI Rank 1 - Community Starter
    edited September 2024

    After trying everything that is listed on this thread and literally banging my head against the wall, I was finally able to resolve it. I am not sure if this will work for others but this is a little different from everything mentioned here. So here goes

    I opened word and went to File>Options>Add-ins. Went to Manage>Disabled Items and clicked on Go. There was an add-in called tbaddin64. Clicked on that and clicked Enable. Clicked on Close and then clicked on OK.

    Then went back to File>Options>Add-ins. Went to Manage>COM Add-ins and clicked on Go. Checked BI Publisher Template Builder for Word 64bit. Clicked OK.

    The BI Publisher add-in menu is now visible on word.

    Hope this helps.

    The part that sucks is every other time that I open Word or a template, I get an error pop-up saying there was a problem with tbaddin64 and it forces me to disable it. But, I can follow the above steps and re-enable it. It's just nuts. But atleast there is a workaround to keep things moving.