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Giving access to workbooks but not datasets
I have the following use case:
-I want to share a workbook in a catalog folder with some consumers.
-These consumers may have author access in other folders
-Currently, if they can see the workbook, they will see the underlying dataset in their "Data" tab and be able to create their own workbooks.
Is there any way to give them access to the workbook without sharing access to the underlying dataset? Reason for this is because they could arrange the data in ways that would give them more information that's not necessary for them. This is not data in the RPD
create a different DV Consumer App Role and put them in that App Role. Then assign that App Role access to that workbook.
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This blog post will be useful to understand fine grained permissions in OAC:
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Hi both,
I think I'm missing something. Like I said:
- I have the DV content author role (specific to a catalog folder).
- In another catalog, I only have read access (DV Consumer specific to a catalog folder).
- In order to see the data in that workbook, I also need read access to the underlying dataset.
- Since I have read access to the dataset, I can see it in the "Data" tab. I always can see the "Data" tab because I am indeed a DV content author in at least 1 place.
Is there any way to keep this from happening?
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The following statement does not make sense: If you have dv content author assigned, then you are a author. there is no concept of author role being active in one folder and consumer role active in another.
- I have the DV content author role (specific to a catalog folder).
- In another catalog, I only have read access (DV Consumer specific to a catalog folder).
You can ofcourse restrict permissions at individual dataset level. However given the user will have read only access to dataset, if the user also has dv content author role, then they will be able to create workbook based of this dataset because a) they have authoring rights to create workbook and b)they have read only access granted to this dataset.
- Since I have read access to the dataset, I can see it in the "Data" tab. I always can see the "Data" tab because I am indeed a DV content author in at least 1 place.
Above statement is correct , you will be an author and see data tab because you an author in the 1st place.
I think if you don't want users to see some data that they are not supposed to see, its best to use create individual dataset curated for the specific workbook by defining dataset level filters and by exposing only needed columns. This might prevent scenario when users see more data than what they are expected to see when creating custom workbooks off this dataset.
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"there is no concept of author role being active in one folder and consumer role active in another."
You may call it differently, but it's how our security is set up. You can be an author and have write access in a catalog folder, but only read access in another.
Based on your last paragraph I'll assume this is not possible. Thanks!