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You do realise that integer values don't have decimal precision? That's the definition of an integer.
to_number is a function that takes either a DATE datatype or a VARCHAR2 datatype and returns a number from it. By supplying a numeric datatype it will first implicitly convert it to a string (varchar2) and then to a NUMBER. To avoid implicit conversion, you would be better to use the cast function e.g. CAST(columnname AS…
So which part do you not understand? http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/OracleAnalyticStore/index.html We are currently down for maintenance! Sorry for the inconvenience but we’re performing some maintenance at the moment. Please contact Oracle PM with any questionsOracle employees click here — Oracle Analytics…
Moderator Note: Do NOT start duplicate threads for the same question - Closing this thread.
Moderator Note: Question moved to the OBIEE space as it's not related to SQL or PL/SQL where you posted.
*Moderator Note: Moved to OBIEE forum for better question alignment
Please do not duplicate your posts on the community - locking this thread.
*Moderator Note: Closing this thread.
*** Moderator Note: The "Community Feedback (No Product Questions)" space is, as the title suggests, for feedback and issues about this community platform itself, and is NOT for product related questions. OBIEE is a product, so your question does not belong in that space. I've now moved your question over to the OBIEE…
*** Moderator Note: Question now moved to the OBIEE product space. The Getting Started space, where you originally posted this questions, is a great place to introduce yourself and learn about using the Developer Community platform, but is not a suitable place to ask product specific questions, as you are unlikely to find…