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FPonte Rank 6 - Analytics Lead


  • Hi Donald. No worries. It was an interesting learning. Never thought about using Function on WITH clause in BIP. An old workmate once told me while running SQL on different tools. "We have two pieces of software talking with the database. They make not talk the same way all the time" Cheers Fernando.
  • Hi Donald. The only weird thing I found in the engine log was. [dv id:1293682950]Validation code:DM08_COLUMN_ALIAS_LENGTH[dv id:1293682950]Error Type:WARNING[dv id:1293682950]Description:Selected column length name exceeds the limit of 15. Length of the column name must not be more than 15 chars. Use short alias for column…
  • I'm in NZ so I change my Timezone to Sydney. The first image is the result I got.
  • Hi Alberto. This is always tricky to setup. I used this kind of report to check the proper configuration that worked for my users. You my try on your setup. Also check the DM column configuration and play with User Preferences. I think you need to logoff and logon again for each time you change the User Preferences. Hope…
  • Hi Jonathan. As far as I know that is not possible. https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12211/bip/BIPRD/GUID-AF9605D4-56E5-4EEF-AEC2-559A103091C0.htm#BIPRD2211 Cheers Fernando.
  • Hi Niketa. Thanks for your reply. Based on your previous comments that the process works fine when you don't zip, I think you have a bug in your hands (unless someone else has another view). It will be good to open a SR for Oracle Support. Cheers Fernando
  • I'm really sorry Niketa. I asked about the wrong parameter in the bursting definition. I mean to ask PARAMETER5 (Remote File Name) as you are sending the data to FTP right? Cheers Fernando
  • Hi Niketa. On your bursting query. How is PARAMETER2 (File Name) defined? Cheers Fernando
  • Hi Jonathan. Any chances to ask for that permission (enable EVALUATE)? Here another example with Regular Expression. https://gerardnico.com/dat/obiee/obis/regexp_evaluate Or another way would be to sort this in the database (or in the repository) creating a new attribute there.Not sure if possible as I don't know how are…
  • Hi Jonathan. Try Evaluate. Something like this but you will need to work out how to build it to fit your purpose. EVALUATE('REGEXP_REPLACE(%1,''^[A-Z]+'',''*'')' as char ,<you Dimension Level here>) Gerardnico still useful on this case as you are on 11g. https://gerardnico.com/dat/obiee/obis/logical_sql/evaluate Regards.…