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Thank you for the idea @aditya.k.pinjala-Oracle I think this would be an excellent improvement for data flows- I do have this as an item in the backlog.
I think this would be helpful for a lot of customers- I will communicate this with our team. Currently keeping this at 'Need Votes' to assist in prioritization. @Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle
@vkm Can you please create a new Idea Lab post for this?
@Tasha This is a great suggestion. I agree that we should make it more clear which datasets are generated manually versus created via data flow. Currently there is information in dataset Inspect → Developer → Metadata that indicates whether the dataset was created by a data flow.
This item is currently in the backlog for data flows.
The Catalog APIs were recently delivered in OAC. There are endpoints that will provide metadata about certain catalog objects- I am tagging @Mike Durran-Oracle to provide more information regarding if/when these APIs will be available in OAS.
This seems like a valuable feature. I am interested in hearing more about the use case here, as we do have a version of database writeback offered in OAC Data Flows. @Brian Watkins-Oracle Would you mind sharing more details on the use case you outlined above? (For example, if you have a specific scenario in mind it would…
@Michal Zima @Greg Faris @BalaGuddeti-Oracle @Jorge Olmeda @Angel Shipp Public REST APIs will be available to use in the January OAC release. Please provide your emails so I can share some information- they will not be documented until officially GA (we are targeting March).
@Greg Holland Unfortunately, this is not currently possible.
@DeepaliG-Oracle Following up on this. Please provide the curl command you are using, including the request method.